You Can Relax Now

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Harry sighed as he jiggled his leg up and down. He had agreed to accompany Niall and Liam for a writing session for some songs on their album that was currently in progress. It had started out great and they had gotten a lot of lyrics written down, but hours later, the motivation in the room was slowly starting to dwindle down.

At this point in the day, the three of them were so obviously fed up with each other. Every little move or noise would tick off someone and the whole vibe of the room was nothing but negative now. It was so dumb to Harry but he just stayed quiet.

He bit his lip as he watched Liam crumpling up his notes dramatically and throw them across the room and Niall just rolled his eyes then looked at Harry.

Harry just looked down at his lap and twiddled his thumbs innocently; hoping and praying that another catfight wouldn't start up again. But Niall wasn't that modest.

"Liam, you're bein dramatic." Niall started. Harry winced. Here we go.
"How am I being dramatic, Niall?" Liam barked back.
Niall mimicked Liam crumpling up a paper viciously and threw it right at him.
"I don't act like that, Niall, you're over exaggerating everything. Literally everything that I've been doing all day!"
"I'm just making a point! Can't you just calmly toss your trash in the bin instead of making all that noise and making a mess?"
"It's stress relieving, okay. I've been working hard all day, what have you done? Certainly not helping me."

Harry winced again. "Oh god..." He murmured. Niall went off, then Liam went off, and somehow the both of them had risen from their seats and both Liam and Niall were bickering at each other, both trying to shout over one another.

Harry shrunk in his seat, trying hard not to get involved. He nervously shifted in his seat as his bladder made itself noticed. He'd needed to pee for the past hour, but the tension in the room was just way too awkward for him to just get up and go. Plus, he'd actually been really into his writing today that he just didn't want to disrupt his thoughts by getting up and going the toilet.

Maybe now that they were seemingly on a break- Well Harry assumed it was a break- he could just get up and go for a quick wee. He hesitantly stood up from his chair in his designated writing corner that he'd claimed that day. He started awkwardly backing away from Niall and Liam.

"Where the fuck are you goin?" Niall was looking straight at him now. Apparently Niall had gone completely Irish now that he was cursing every other word.

Harry gulped and pointed behind him. "I'm uh. I'm going to the toilet."
"No!" Niall and Liam both yelled in sync and looking annoyed and somewhat offended.
Harry looked back at them, confused. He didn't say anything though, just bent at his knees.
"The producer's coming up the stairs right now to review what we got done today. Weren't you listening to what me and Niall were just talking about two seconds ago?" Liam sighed.

Well, no. No, Harry wasn't listening at all since they were both talking over each other and it was impossible to make out any word they were saying. God, he just wanted to go home and see Zayn. He was sure Zayn would be able to take the stress off his shoulders. Just looking at Zayn could help de-stress anyone, really. He was naturally so calm and quiet. His face was so serene, like an angel. And his body-

"Styles, you have been daydreaming all day!" Liam snapped him from his daydream.
"Okay, but-" Harry started but just on cue, Paul came in through the door, followed by the producers they had been working with for the past couple weeks. Instantly, Niall and Liam calmed down and behaved more like civil humans as they gathered at the table with Paul and their producers.

Harry sighed at the quiet and was the last to take a seat at the table, between Niall and Liam since both of them didn't want to sit next to each other. Harry was basically just the odd one out here. All he wanted to do was stay out of the cat fights, get through this meeting, go home and take a piss, then take out his frustrations on Zayn. Maybe. If he'd let him, of course.

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