Birthday Shopping; 5Times Part 5

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As Liam leaned to read the quote off another silly novelty mug, Harry stood off to the side trying his best not to do the pee dance. Or at least, not an obvious pee dance. It wasn't working out too well though as he was currently rocking back and forth on his feet with his arms crossed over his chest. But he hoped it was passing off more as boredom than anything else. Luckily, Liam didn't seem to notice.

Instead, he snatched up the mug he'd been reading and flashed it at Harry excitedly, "What about this?"

Harry squeezed his legs together once, readjusting the shopping bag in his hands and raised an eyebrow at Liam. He shook his head firmly, "No."

Just because Harry had to pee it didn't mean he was going to let Liam waste his money on something that dumb, even if it meant they had to look a little longer. It just wasn't birthday present material, by any standards - and definitely not by Harry's. Actually, nothing in this store was. But that hadn't stopped Liam from glancing along every shelf and riffling through every single display set out. He seemed incredibly intent on finding something, despite everything in here being completely useless junk.

Shifting his weight uncomfortably, Harry chewed on his bottom lip. His bladder had been nagging him for the last three shops now to stop what he was doing and find a toilet. Unfortunately for him, sometimes these things were easier said than done.

He'd already checked this little store they were currently wasting an absurd amount of time in, three times for a loo, and each time had given him the same unhelpful result. Actually, none of the shops Liam had taken him to so far had had a bathroom. Hm. Not really the ideal shopping setting. It wouldn't be so bad if Harry hadn't been such an idiot this morning. Why he'd thought downing an entire pot of tea before heading out had been a smart idea, he had no clue. Right now, it was just feeling a lot more like a dumb idea.

Crossing his legs casually, Harry tensed his thighs, squeezing them together. He didn't really have to go that bad. It was more of an annoyance than anything, but he still wouldn't mind getting somewhere with a toilet, sooner rather than later. Before it got worse.

He'd been subtly trying to get this point across for a few minutes, but as usual all attempts had been lost on Liam who was too busy giggling at the idiotic display cases than paying attention to Harry's silent pleading. Setting his hands on his hips, Harry raised his eyebrows at Liam expectantly, barely resisting the urge to start tapping his foot. Only that would have been more because his bladder was so annoyingly full, rather than to add to the 'can we please leave now' effect he was aiming for.

When Liam noticed Harry's pouting, he said, "I asked for your help, remember? That's not very helpful."

"I don't know why you're bothering with these mugs," Harry made a face, reaching for a stupid red one on the edge of the table. Leaning awkwardly to the side, he read the inscription aloud, "'I Heart Air Quotes'?" Then he shrugged his shoulders at Liam. "What about this says 'Niall' to you?"

"Well, that's why I asked you to help," Liam reminded him, reaching for another cup and squinting his eyes at it thoughtfully. But he frowned before he'd even finished reading it, "Ok, you're right. I'm doomed. I have no idea what to get him."

"You're not doomed," Harry told him, trying to straighten his posture a little. He adjusted the shopping bags in his arms distractedly.

"No, I'm pretty sure I am," Liam disagreed, poking at a few pencil toppers unenthusiastically. "Niall's birthday is tomorrow. This is the third shop we've been in and I haven't found him anything! I'm the worst friend in the world. Admit it," he added dramatically.

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