IRL • part 210

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Jacob and Jessica in Tessa's spare bedroom

"Hey." Jacob shyly smiles as he walks in.

"Hey, Jacob." Jessica gives him a bright smile. "Do you know where my sister is, I could use some of her help unpacking the rest of my stuff."

"She went on a walk, she needed some fresh air but I can help you." Jacob offered.

Jessica looked down at her clothes then back up at him. "Sure. Thanks."

"No problem." He nods with a warming smile.

Jacob would fold Jessica's clothes and hand it to her so she can put it in the drawers. It took them a good while but honestly they were enjoying each other's company...maybe a little too much.

Jacob would once in a while stare at her with a hidden smile as she'd pull stuff out from her luggage. When she'd catch him both of them would blush.

Seeming as Jacob is 26, him and Jessica are only three years apart. She's obviously older but Jacob didn't seem to mind. Deep down he knew he'd never be able to get to Tessa, she was too in love with Ian. But to Jacob it seemed like he found someone else that he fancied.

Jessica handed Jacob the last pair of jeans and he shoved it nicely in the drawer. Jessica zipped up the suitcase and put it in the corner of the bedroom.

"Thank you for your help." Jessica giggled nervously. "I don't think I would've been able to do all of that in only 20 minutes.

"Hey, anytime." Jacob chuckles standing up.

Jessica smiled and went to go sit on her temporary bed. Jacob sighed as he looked around the room. "Is there anything else you need me for?"

"Um...well, maybe one thing." Jessica smiled bitting her lip. She then motioned for Jacob to sit next her.

He did as she insisted. Jacob wasn't quite sure why she's calling him over but he did it in curiosity and maybe hopes something can happen between them.

Jessica pulled a piece of hair behind her ear. "Do you really like my sister?"

Jacob was kind of shocked at how forward she was with that question. "Yeah, I mean she obviously doesn't like me back but..." He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well, I don't know if you know but I'm very blunt." Jessica slightly smirked. "I can tell my sister only thinks of you as a friend." Jacob lightly frowned at that. "But I on the other hand find you very attractive."

Jacob was actually shocked. "Wow, uh, thank you."

"But as a lawyer I can tell that you're hiding something very deep from my sister and you're afraid to tell her." She smirked.

Jacob was even more shocked. "How did you-"

"What can I say, I'm good at my job." She giggled pushing hair behind her shoulder. "So what is it that you're hiding in that pretty little head of yours?"

Jacob glanced at the door way afraid that Tessa would randomly pop inside and hear everything. "As you know already, I kissed her in her trailer, Nikki Reed was there, took a picture and showed Ian and he was convinced that Tessa's the one who kissed me, right?" Jessica nodded meaning for him to continue. "Well, that's not the truth." He sighed. "I did confess my feelings and I was the one who kissed her and there's even video proof. Nikki was scared that she wouldn't take a picture at the right moment so she took a video instead and took out the part where our lips were together but she kept the video."

"Wait." Jessica held up a finger. "Do you have that video?"


Jessica's eyes widen. "Well, what are you waiting for? We have to show Ian."

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now