IRL • part 295

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Date: January 4th 2014

"Alright Tessa, you have 10 minutes to get on your outfit then out you go!" My assistant informs from outside my trailer.

"Okay thank you, Linda!" I shout back hoping she can hear me. I sigh looking at Ian who was sat on my couch beside me. "Ian, I don't think I can do this."

"Tess, you'll be okay." He rubs his thumb back and forth on my thigh. "You already filmed two scenes with him, I'm sure this will be at least a little easier."

"But I have to kiss him." I say extremely afraid.

"I know." Ian sighs shifting his body completely towards me. "You know I don't like this anymore than you do."

I huff pouting. "I know..."

"And plus I'll be standing right behind the camera watching every little move." Ian reminds me. "If Derek does anything, and I mean anything I will not hesitant to do something about it."

I look him in the eyes with a small smile. "You sure I'll be okay?"

"I promise." Ian nods.

I let out a small giggle as his face inches towards mine and I move forward due to the sudden urge to engulf his lips in mine. Our lips move in sync as his hand moves to the crook of my neck, sliding itself past my hair.

He pulls back chuckling and I look at him with a huge smile. "I love you."

"I love you more." He smirks leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my jawline. My stomach flutters and my cheeks flush red. Ian laughs at that admiring on how his little gestures still affect me. Ian stands up, putting his hands out in front of me. "Now, let's get you dressed."

I laugh taking his hands and he helps pull me up.

- -

"Okay, places everyone!" The director yells.

"How do I look?" I ask Ian mentally panicking.

"Absolutely beautiful." Ian smirks pressing a kiss on my lips.

I smile lovingly at him. He helped me put on the orange ombré shirt I wore yesterday for the scene in the school hallway and now I was located in the music room with two chairs, one for me and one for Derek along with a laptop that was there to record the music.

I cup my hand on his cheek and brush past it as I walk onto the set as a goodbye. I walk over to the empty chair across from the one Derek was already sitting in.

"You look nice." Derek whispers as I walk over to my chair.

I give Ian a glance wondering if he heard that but he was busy talking to the cameraman. I take in a deep breath and look at John, our director. "Am I good?"

"Just move your torso a little smudge forward." He directs closings one eye to be more precise. I do as he says and he smiles. "Perfect. Now it'll be much easier to edit out the bump, thanks Tessa."

"No problem." I nervously giggle. I look at my fiancé again and this time he was standing between the cameraman and John with his arms crossed, fully concentrated.

Ian gives me a nod and I give him a quick tight lipped smile in return. I let out a breath and look down at my stomach rubbing it. Every time I feel my baby bump I get a sense of comfort and safety, it makes me feel a lot better.

"Alright, Tessa, Derek, you guys ready?"

"Ready." I hear Derek say. I look up and he sends me a wink. I tense up at it but try not to let it faze me.

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now