Interview • part 297

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"Tessa! Tessa! Over here!"

I smile waving at the interview across the stanchion. "Hi there!"

"Wow, might I say you look absolutely stunning tonight." He grins.

"Thank you! Thanks, I was hoping to try something new, it was definitely risky wearing a suit for it but my mom and fiancé told me to go for it." I chuckle.

"Well they were right, you can pull anything off."

"Haha, thank you." I grin.

"Hey, no problem." He nods. "So Tessa as you know, tonight you've been nominated for two awards, best Sci-Fi/Fantasy tv actress and on-screen kiss along with your fiancé Ian Somerhalder. What are you're thoughts tonight do you think you might go home with an award?"

I let out a slightly nervous chuckle. "Um well obviously I'm hoping to but, haha, I mean I'm going against some pretty tight competition for both awards so I wouldn't be surprised if I don't."

"Right. Right. And so tell us you're secret, how do you manage working on two different shows in two completely different states all while pregnant?"

"Heh, well it definitely is a lot of work and can be quite stressful but honestly I love my job and my close cast mates and it's just, it takes a lot of patience  and time and dedication."

"Yeah, it's incredible, I haven't seen very many actresses do what you're doing especially on how young you still are."

"Thank you." I giggle.

"And so after the awards tonight do you have anything planned, maybe a dinner, hangout with some friends or even nap?"

"We'll actually tomorrow is my best friends birthday, Nina Dobrev, so she's been staying at my grandmas here in LA and tomorrow we're gonna do a little something to celebrate for her but other than that nothing interesting." I nod.

"Wow that sounds fun. How old is Nina turning again?"

"26." I purse my lips smiling.

"26, she's still so young!"

"Yeah." I laugh. "I mean when I look at her I still see the girl I met over 10 years ago with the same baby face, heh."

"I bet you do." He laughs along.

"And speaking of baby faces, how far along are you?"

I glance down at my stomach holding a hand over it. "Oh it'll be 6 months in a couple weeks so almost there." I giggle.

"That's so exciting." He smiles. "Is there a due date?"

"Um, it's still a rough guess but they're saying roughly on the beginning of March."

"Wow so that's soon!"

"Yeah, very soon." I nod grinning.

"Wow I'm so happy for you."

I thank him. "That's so sweet, thank you."

"Anytime, and I also gotta know, when's Ian gonna officially be able to call you his wife."

I let out a laugh. "Uh, well we haven't set a date yet or anything and we don't want anything too extravagant but we're waiting for her to be born before officiating anything."

"Makes sense, okay." He nods. "Well Tessa it was amazing seeing you and it's an honour talking to you but it looks like the shows about to start so I'll let you head along now."

"Oh no, it was no problem, I loved speaking to you as well." I giggle. I feel someone take my hand and I turn around. "Ian!" I smile.

"Hey there." He smirks pressing a kiss to my lips. He looks at the interviewer and puts out a hand for him to shake. "Hi man."

"Ian, hey!" The interviewer put out his hand as well, they both shake it. "Nice meeting you."

"Same to you." Ian nods wrapping his free hand around my waist, laying it on my belly. "We gotta get going babe."

"Yes, have fun you too!"

"You too, brother." Ian smiles nodding.

"Bye, thank you so much!" I wave him off and we walk away.

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