Messages • part 235

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Ian Somerhalder

Hey baby :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: hey love how are you feeling?

Not bad actually. I'm really sorry I wasn't able to go to work I just had no sleep last night from the pain...I shouldn't have danced so much😅 :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: well you are pregnant😂 It's fine I understand and Julie understands too

Okay good because I really don't want to get fired😅 :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: Julie loves you way too much to do that😂 you know she loves you like a daughter

But I just found out that my photo shoot was moved over to L.A  :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: wow that was very short notice

I know and I'm sorry but I couldn't say no...also my grandma lives over there with my brother and sister so I talked to my mom and she wants to go there too with my dad and Alex :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: I never expected your grandma to live in L.A😂

Yeah she's been living there since Alex and Jessica moved there😂 Also Jess and Jacob actually want to come too so we're doing this whole family reunion😅 :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: looks like it😂 I might as well come I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in a different state pregnant.

It's up to you but you know I'd love if you'd come. You know how much my parents and abuelita like you😂 :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: yeah I know they do but this time I'll actually meet them in person so it's more pressure😅

Trust me. They love you. :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: alright I'll let Julie know. How long will we be gone for?

Roughly two weeks maybe. I wanna spend some time with my family since all of us will be there :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: okay that's fine. When are we leaving?

The photo shoot is in 4 days so I'm hoping we go in 2. :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: okay it should be fine. Gotta go let Julie know and get back to filming.

Okay love you😘 :Babe❤️

Mi amor🥰: I love you too. Text me if you need anything.

I will☺️ :Babe❤️

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now