IRL • part 251

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"Tess." I hear a male voice whisper to me.

"Baby." He repeats. I also feel someone's hand rubbing my arm.

I slowly open my eyes and see Ian. I give him a smile. "Hey."

"Hey." He gives me heart eyes. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug placing my hand on his. "Better. What time is it?"

"6:30. The suns about to set." He informs me.

"I slept for the whole day." I giggled.

Ian nods chuckling. "Yes, you have." He leans in and pecks me on the lips. "Why don't we head over to the beach and watch it set?"

I look out the window and see that the weather seems good. "Yeah, sure."

"Okay, put on a nice summer dress, we can take some pictures." He smiles leaning back. "And don't wear make up. I love you natural."

I raise an eyebrow chuckling. "Okay."

"Need help?" He lends me a hand.

I nod and take it, he slowly helps lift me off the bed. I let out a breath once I made it up. I look into his eyes, a huge smile plastered on our faces. I lean my head up a bit, locking our lips together.

I don't know why, but I just had to.

- -

"Wow. Look at the ocean." I gasp in awe as we walk on the beach.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ian chuckles admiring the beauty of the water.

I nod my head grinning. "It's gorgeous."

I take in a big breath, smelling the fresh air. It felt so good. Lately the only place I've been in is my bed. It feels nice to go out with the person I love most in the world and just enjoy the moment. Times like this are worth it.

Ian's POV:

I looked down at Tessa. She had a big smile and a wondrous look in her eyes. She looked beautiful. I looked down at our connected hands. A smile smile covered my lips. I knew that I had to do this. I love her more than I ever thought I could love someone. She's only brought happiness in my life and I don't think there's anyone else that I could say has loved me the way she does.

She's the women I've always dreamed of. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Tessa's POV:


I turn my head to Ian. He looked nervous. "Hm?"

"I need to talk to you."

Immediately my heart started beating fast. Did he cheat on me? Does he not love me anymore? Does he not want to be a dad? Oh God... "Is everything okay?"

"More than okay." Ian chuckles.

A big relief came off my chest but I still was unsure on what was going on. "So...what is it?"

He glanced out at the water then looked back at me. He grabbed my hands, looking straight into my eyes. "Tess. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I found out that you kissed Jacob my heart shattered in millions of pieces. I felt like I had no reason to live. I felt more hurt then I ever had been in my entire life."


He shook his head. "When I found out that Nikki was lying I felt betrayed but so relieved. You don't know how fast I drove to your house. I wanted to just kiss you and hold you in my arms again. Then you told me you were pregnant. With my baby. And I can't tell you how I felt. Knowing that I was about to start my own little family with you." A smile of awe covered my features. "You are my best friend Tessa. I love you more than words can express. It has only been a little over half a year that we've been together but it feels like I've been with you all my life."

Suddenly he did the one thing I didn't expect at all. Ian got down on one knee and pulled out a box from his back pocket. "Teresa Selena May Rose." He opened the box revealing a beautiful ring. "I promise to take care and love both you and our baby for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

Tears started spilling out from my eyes. I was so happy! "Yes!" I giggled. "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!"

He grinned and took the ring from the box slipping it on my left ring finger. I held my other hand to my mouth and tried holding back my sob. Ian got up and gave me the cutest look. He picked me up off the ground and spun me around, being careful with my stomach of course. We leaned in and pressed a strong and passionate kiss to one another.

I giggled as he let me down and admired the ring. "God this looks so expensive. Even if you gave me a ring pop as an engagement ring I still would've said yes!" I laughed flinging my arms around him.

"You deserve the prettiest ring." Ian chuckles rubbing his hand on my back. "You deserve everything in the world."

"Awe, baby." I smiled pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He looked me in the eyes and rubbed his thumb on my cheek as he watched a tear fall down. "I love you."

"I love you too." I nod giving him a smile. "But Ian, I have one request." I look him in the eyes. "I want to get married after the baby's born and I want it to be small. No media there."

He glanced down at my belly and looked back up. "Deal."

I giggled pressing another quick kiss on his lips. "We're gonna get married!"

"Wooo!" Ian yelled along with me as we looked down at the ocean.

Wow. I've never felt so happy and free!


Omg this was so cute!!! Currently crying😭😭 hope you guys liked this little chapter as much as I did. ❤️❤️

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now