News Article • part 385

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Ian Somerhalder greets fans in Puerto Rico though he's late for dinner with his wife

This evening, Tuesday May 27th, actor Ian Somerhalder was videotaped greeting fans in front of the restaurant in Puerto Rico where his newlywed wife Tessa Rose was waiting for him.

Take a look:

As you can tell, Ian is enjoying his time in Puerto Rico. It has now been 3 days since him and Tessa tied the knot and he couldn't seem happier. If you listen closely, Ian happened to say "thank you" in the video and that is from the fans congratulating him and some even offering gifts.

Besides the couples steamy posts for one another on Instagram, this is the first we've seen of one of them out in the public eye.

Well we wish Ian and Tessa all the best and we'll update you readers if we spot them again!

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