News Article • part 290

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Tessa Rose out and about with fiancé Ian Somerhalder's cousin

This early afternoon of December 28th 2013, actress Tessa Rose was found walking around the cold and left over snowy streets from last evening. Although, this time the Vampire Diaries star made sure to not be alone due to her last encounter she had. Tessa asked kindly not to be filmed but did respond to how she's doing and allowed us to write it down;

Interviewer: Tessa how's it going?
Tessa: Good. Thank you for asking, how are you?
Interviewer: I'm doing fine thank you. So Tessa what are you up to today?
Tessa: I'm just out here with Samantha, my soon-to-be cousin in law. Sam, say hi.
Samantha: hello.
Interviewer: hi there. And so Tessa what are you up to?
Tessa: I'm just out here checking out some stores, about to get some hot cocoa.
Interviewer: I love hot chocolate.
Tessa: it's so good.
Interviewer: it really is. And so Tessa do you have any news on when Ian's coming?
Tessa: yes, actually. He will return in three days. New Year's Eve.
Interviewer: oh that's exciting. Will you guys have a New Years celebration.
Tessa: as far as I know yes, something small with his family and mine.
Interviewer: that's great. Thank you Tessa for letting me talk to you, I really appreciate it.
Tessa: oh it was no problem, thank you for understanding.
Interviewer: no worries, everyone has their boundaries.
Tessa: yeah, I just don't want anything happening again with out Ian here that's all.
Interviewer: no, I totally understand.
Tessa: thank you, it was great meeting you!
Interviewer: it was a pleasure meeting you too. Bye Tessa!
Interviewer: bye! Have a happy new year!

Now, here are the photos we caught of Tessa Rose:

Now, here are the photos we caught of Tessa Rose:

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Ugh how can someone be so photogenic?! Only Tessa knows

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Ugh how can someone be so photogenic?! Only Tessa knows. Follow us for more information on Tessa Rose and your other favourite celebrities.

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