E! News • part 214

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Tessa Rose and Ian Somerhalder Out and About Again Together

Actress Tessa Rose and Actor Ian Somerhalder were seen together walking the streets of Covington together near their home that they now share again. Tessa seems to be enjoying her boyfriend's company who she has confirmed their relationship in an Instagram post she put out yesterday afternoon, her new hair extension and the weather on this fine October 14th just after they went shopping.

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Aren't they just the cutest? Let's hope this time their relationship stays permanent and hopefully we can find out what really happened between them

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Aren't they just the cutest? Let's hope this time their relationship stays permanent and hopefully we can find out what really happened between them. Also, many fans have been curious on what happened to Nikki Reed and many have noticed Jacob White has been hanging a lot with Tessa's older sister, Jessica Rose. Follow E! News for more information on this twisted situation.

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