IRL • part 317

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It's March 4th 2014, 9:27pm. Ian and I were supposed to work today but the whole time we were getting ready I was screaming in pain. Today my stomach had been killing me. So, Ian called Julie and told her what was going on, of course she gave us today off. The whole day we spent watching movies and eating snacks. I would get pain here and there but it was nothing horrific.

Now, Ian was more than fast asleep. We've been in bed for an hour but since I got here I haven't even closed my eyes for a second. I've just been tossing and turning but what I noticed is that every time I shifted it would hurt painfully. During my whole pregnancy I haven't felt pain this bad. I tried to tame it and hope that it would go away but it didn't. Something was wrong, really wrong.

I finally muster up the strength to slowly sit up. I glance at Ian and smile at him there shirtless sleeping like a little baby. I let out a deep breath before pulling the bed sheets off of me and I carefully twist my body until my feet hit the ground and I stand up. Right away it felt like a brick falling on top of my uterus. I lightly gasp but quickly cover my mouth not to wake up Ian. I slowly walk over to the bathroom, each step hurting more and more.

That's when it happened.


I hold onto the doorway and fall to my knees. "Ah!" I scream in pain. Water flooded all around me.

Oh my God!

"Ian." I wince out. "My water broke. Ian!"

"Tess?" I hear him groggily say from the bed.

"Help me Ian, please." I hold my stomach. "My water broke, we have to go to the hospital." Suddenly a contraction hit and I screamed again. "Agh!"

Immediately I hear the bed sheets swoosh and footsteps rushing towards me. "Here." He grabs me under my thigh and my back, picking me up bridal style. He carries me down the stairs slowly and into the living room. He places me on the couch steadily. "Let me get your shoes."

He runs over to the door and picks up some slippers I had laying beside it. Ian also doesn't forget to grab my coat hanging on the coat hanger and makes his way towards me.

"Agh!" I shout, clenching my stomach as a contraction hits again.

"Okay." Ian says clearly worried. He puts the slippers on my feet and helps me put each of my arms in the jacket. Once I'm all set. He grabs a white t-shirt he had laid on the armchair and quickly puts it on. I watch, rubbing my stomach.

"I'm gonna go get the hospital bag and then we're out of here, okay?" He assures me.

I nod my head thankfully as he sprints up stairs to get the babies things.

I can't believe this is happening.

It's too early.

But once the water breaks that's it.

By tomorrow my baby will surely be in my arms and I will be a mom.

He zooms down the stairs, almost tripping over himself with the hospital bag in hand. I pet my dog Ira as she had say herself beside me on the couch.

"Take care of the doggies and kitties okay, Ira?" I ask my oldest dog. Even though she obviously can't physically take care of the animals like a human can, I like to treat her like one.

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now