Instagram • part 278

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tessarose thank you to all the amazing people who came to tvd Orlando con 2013! Last night was incredible and I loved answering your questions/laughing to the point where I almost peed my pants😅 You all were insanely awesome and so sweet! Although I had to go back to Georgia to finish filming the last episode before Christmas break, I can't wait to come back to Orlando and meet you all again! Hope to see you all next tvd Orlando con!
[tagged: @iansomerhalder, @ariellekebbel, @paulwesley ]

username1: Tessa how do you always look so good from every angle??
username2: @username1 right?!
candiceacolla: ❤️❤️
username3: I was there!!!
username4: I love you TVD cast💖💖
katgraham: haha I watched it from backstage it was so hilarious🤣
paulwesley: @katgraham you gotta admit I was the funniest one there
tessarose: @paulwesley you wish
username5: I see myself🙋🏾‍♀️
nina: everyone: staring at the cast
            me: staring at Tess's chest😂🤫
tessarose: @nina I love you❤️🤣
username6: no friendship can beat Tessa's and Nina's😆😆^^
username7: ^^^
iansomerhalder: I think this is the only photo where me and Tessa are on opposite sides😂
tessarose: @iansomerhalder omg I think you're right!
ariellekebbel: you guys were all amazing last night!!😘

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