IRL • part 292

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"Alright cast and crew, welcome to the table read for Hollywood Arts season 1 episode 18 "Beggin On Your Knees" based off the song our dear cast mate Tessa Rose wrote and sang." The director greets.

Everyone around the room begins clapping to me, Alex pushing me into a side hug as I giggle thanking them all.

The director smiles, waiting for the claps to calm down before continuing. "Now before we get started, I am announcing that I have chosen someone to play the "heartbreaker"/ "playboy" Ryder Daniels."

The rest of us clap again, grins all around the back stage cast sitting along the walls and the main cast who were sat around the table, one chair left empty for the actor going to play Ryder.

"After long, long auditions...Derek Samuels everybody!"

Right as that name rang through my ears, I turned to Alex beside me, him looking right back with the same expression. The man who had tortured me for 6 years, up until I was 23 was now here again.

I moved my eyes past Alex and looked to the door way, there he stood with a nasty smirk on his face. It was nothing like the smirk Ian would do. Ian's was playful but loving, Derek's was cold-hearted and narcissistic. He glanced around the room at all the people clapping and cheering for him before he landed on me. His smirk disappeared but his eyes stayed devilish, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Come over here, Derek." The director motioned for him to sit in the empty seat across the table straight from me.

I gulped in a huge lump in my throat, shifting in my seat. Alex placed a hand on my back to try and comfort me but he knew it wouldn't work. I lost everything because of this man. Right when my life finally falls into place he has to come in it again one way or another. When I broke it off with him he swore to me he'd find me again, that he would never let me be happy without him. I thought he was bullshitting me but I guess nightmare has finally came back to haunt me. What we had was nowhere near over.

- -

"Alright everyone, now let's do introductions so our friend Derek over here is more comfortable around us." Our director John explained. He looked over at me, "Tessa, do you mind starting?"

I glanced over at Derek who had his full attention on me, I then looked at my brother who gave me an unsure look concerned at how I'm doing. "Um, okay." I nod letting out a nervous chuckle. I turn back to Derek. "I'm Tessa Rose, I am 25 years old and happily engaged with a baby on the way."

"And so I've heard." Derek nods.

"Thank you Tessa for starting but actually, Derek do you mind giving us a small introduction about yourself before continuing?"

"Yes, of course." Derek smiles before looking around at the table surrounded by all my friends from the show. "I'm Derek Samuels, I'm also 25 years old and I currently have no significant other but if we're being technical I know our friend Tessa very well." He sends me a look.

"Oh really?" Leon looks at him. "From where?"

Derek chuckled to himself as he smirked over at me. "Actually. We used to date."

"Wow." Our director looks between the two of us. "What a small world."

A tear slips down my cheek as all the haunting memories flash lightning speed through my mind. I snap back into reality, wiping the tear off my cheek before looking up at our director. "Um, John I'm not feeling so good. Do you mind if I go back to my trailer for a while?"

"Yeah, of course. Whatever you need sweetheart." He thankfully accepts.

I give him a forced tight lipped smile before placing my hand on my brothers arm to help myself up. Once my body lifts up from the seat I glance over at Derek and can see him staring at my baby bump. I place my hands on my stomach as trying to protect my baby before walking off.

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