IRL • part 349

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"Tessa, sweetheart me and your dad are going to go get pizza with your brother, what do you and Ian want on your pizza?"

I look up at my mom. "Um, he usually likes pineapple and pepperoni so I think we'll stick with that." I look back down at Selena who was in my arms while I breastfed her.

"Alright and want any sodas?" She asks while grabbing her purse.

"No, I'll just make us some smoothies." I nod giving her a tight lipped smile.

My mom puts on her sunglasses and checks herself out on the mirror by the front door. "Okay niña we'll be back in maybe half an hour, depends on traffic."

"Thanks." I send her a smile as she waves me goodbye before closing the door behind her. I sigh looking down at Selena who fell asleep with my bud in her mouth. "Every time." I laugh lightly as I slowly pull it away from her mouth, putting my shirt over my breast.

Just then, Ian walks out from our room. "Hey honey." He wipes his eye as he woke up from his nap.

"Hey." I smile standing up carefully. "Just finished feeding Sel. She fell asleep in the middle of it again." I giggle as I walk over to her crib beside the couch.

"Anything new?"

I place Selena down, covering her with her blanket. "My parents and Alex are getting some pizza for lunch. Jacob and Jess are heading here within the next few hours."

He grabs an apple from the fridge. "Sounds good."

I walk over to the kitchen where he was and grabbed the fruits I needed to make our smoothies. Ian takes a bite of his apple before pressing a kiss on the top of my head. I smile at his sweet gesture, closing the fridge door.

"So, I was thinking maybe we go downtown tomorrow night. Give ourselves a little alone time." He leans his back against the counter watching me peal the bananas.

I purse my lips throwing it in the blender. "I actually won't be here tomorrow."


I sigh as I hear the disappointment in his voice. "I'm sorry Ian. I have to fly up to New York to pick out my wardrobe to film the music video next week."

"New York?" He repeats. "And you're only telling me this now, why?"

I shrug putting in the blueberries. "It was last minute. The fitting was supposed to be a day before but the designer couldn't make it here until next month so we agreed for me to go there."

" "we" agreed to go there or him and your manager agreed to have you go there?"

I take in a deep breath knowing exactly how this is going to go. "Him and Richard." I mumble. Ian scoffs. I turn around to grab a knife from the cupboard though not daring to look at him. I know he's pissed.

"Tessa that man controls you like a puppet. All he cares about is your publicity, does he not see how drained you're getting?"

I furrow my brows walking back over to the blender. "Drained? Ian I'm fine..."

"Don't do that, Tessa. The past two weeks I've only been with you for a maximum of two days. Two Days." He emphasizes, clearly getting angry.

Love Conquers All ~ Continuation of Ian Somerhalder Instagram Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now