News Article • part 368

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Tessa Rose surprise releases
of music videos

Once again our favourite actress and rising artist releases multiple music videos for her some of her songs from her both of her albums. Tessa just keeps surprising us with appearances in events, new friends, videos and now her own first ever released music videos! We're so proud of her!

Take a look:

Music video for Beggin' On Your Knees:

Music video for Make It In America:

Music video for Freak The Freak Out:

Music video for All I Want Is Everything:

Part 2 or "flash mob" of All I Want Is Everything:

Music video for Best Friend's Brother:

Music video for LA Boyz (we all know Tessa and BFF Ariana Grande made a song together in her second album but now they released the music video for it which is also a scene in the next Hollywood Arts episode):

Ah! I'm sure we're all so excited for the release of her music videos for the songs in her albums!

Catch you guys next time and follow us for more.

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