Interview • part 231

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Ian and Tessa Interview:

"Hello!" Tessa smiled as her and Ian walked up to the next interviewer who happened to be a lady this time.

"Hi there Tessa, Ian." The interviewer waved as they walked over to her. "So great to see the two of you back together again!"

"Yeah, it's been a long ride but we're very happy." Ian grinned as he lightly squeezed Tessa's waist.

"You must be very happy." The lady nods. "Congratulations on your baby."

"Oh thank you." Ian chuckled.

"Thank you so much." Tessa smiled.

"So Tessa you're 3 months along?"

"Yes, I am." She nods.

"When are you finding out the gender?" The interviewer questioned.

"Two months." Ian budded in and looked down at Tessa. "Isn't it, Tess? Or am I wrong?"

"No, you're right. We'll find out when I'm around five months in." Tessa corrects.

"Wow. I'm so happy for you guys." The interviewer grinned. "What gender are you guys thinking? Boy or Girl?"

Ian and Tessa looked over at each other smiling. "I'm happy with whatever God gives us but I'm hoping for a girl." Ian chuckles. "I've always loved the thought of having a little princess."

"Me too." Tessa giggles as she fixes Ian's hair. "I wouldn't mind having a boy but I've always wanted a girl first so we can go shopping together and do all that girl stuff."

"Awe I'm sure whatever the baby is it'll love the two of you very much. You two are going to be amazing parents." The interviewer smiled.

"Thank you for all of your kind words, we really appreciate it." Ian nods at the lady with a grateful smile.

"No problem." She smiles with a little blush. "So now on the topic of why we're all here, what was the one death that just really kind of surprised you on the show?"

Ian glanced down at Tessa thinking of what his would be. "Well, when Damon killed Jeremy..." Ian chuckled to himself. "What an idiot. "Oh I'm gonna kill the girl I love's brother"'s just the decisions this guy makes just blows my mind."

"Yeah and then what gets the two of us shocked is that the fans forgive him so easily." Tessa laughed. "Like I'm sorry but Elena did the right things at the time for staying mad at Damon. I would too, I probably wouldn't talk to him for the rest of my life if he killed my brother."

Ian adds on to Tessa's comment, "But he does everything with so much heart that I, you know, I learned very early that my acting couch really made me pound it into my thick skull that you can't judge a character. I did that a lot with my character Carlisle and he just ended up dead!" Ian and the other two laughed for a brief second.

"Well, Jeremy died but he did come back on the show." Tessa pointed out.

"I know." Ian chuckled. "Damn it!" He said with fake disappointment. "I thought I killed him."

Tessa laughed looking up at Ian. "I don't know about you but I was definitely very sad, I wasn't on the show yet obviously but I would watch the show sometimes and when I saw Sara Canning' character Jenna I was actually crying."

"Oh, yeah, that death was very sad." The interviewer nodded. "And who is a character that you guys would resurrect?"

"Ric. Alaric." Ian said almost instantly.

"Yeah I agree." Tessa nods. "Damon misses his drinking buddy."

Ian scrunches his eyebrows. "There's been so many deaths. Who doesn't miss Anna, you know? Melese Jow."

"I honestly don't miss Anna. I feel like she was a bad influence on Jeremy." Tessa shrugs glancing at her boyfriend. "Maybe if she had a better storyline?..."

"Yeah I mean we have just lost so many people on the show. But Ric and Damon we're so close." Ian trails off. "And even Matt Davis and I, we are so close. So when you lose a character you don't just lose the character but you're losing a family member, a person that you see on your daily life."

"What you're really doing is setting them free from a 60 or 80 hour work week." Tessa jokes with a little laugh.

The interviewer and Ian laugh along with her. "Alright, well thank you two for coming to speak with me and good luck with the baby!"

"Thank you." Tessa smiles over at her.

"Thank you so much." Ian nodded sending the lady a smirk before him and Tessa walk along the carpet.

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