Chapter 1

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Carac was startled awake when he heard his little baby's cries coming from the other room. Carac glanced around and he is in the living room, where he spent the night, he didn't even get enough power to get into bed after the night he had. He has been having so many sleepless nights lately

Carac has a one month baby that he loves dearly. He was excited when his little Omega husband Brom got pregnant, it was all joyful and Carac couldn't wait for the baby to arrive. Brom was always tired, his legs swollen, the bump was so big, bigger than his little precious lover's body. Carac just wanted the baby to come out so that his husband could get back to his normal self plus he couldn't wait to hold his precious boy. When the day came to welcome little Fendrel in the world Carac was the happiest he has ever been but all of that makes him question if that was the happiest day or if it was just the beginning of a new chapter because of how Fendrel cries all the time, Carac can't get his rest at night because of the kid crying for the entire night long. Carac loves his baby boy but seeing how Brom is stressed and messed up makes Carac wish they never gave birth, his little Omega can't stand sleepless nights and HE can't stand sleepless nights

"Sweety, I can't get him to stop" Brom entered tears in his already puffy red eyes that have bugs under them. He hasn't been sleeping "He hates me, whatever I do he won't stop"

"Honey it's fine" Carac tried calming his lover down as he stared at the kid who is crying on top of his lungs and with their sensitive hearing, he needs to keep quite or their heads will burst "How about...." Carac thought about it, he has to get to work soon but he can't leave Brim to deal with Fendrel, he folded his shirt up before walking over to his lover "Get some rest and I will take care of him"

"You have to work" Brom protested with his arms on his waist staring at Carac with tired eyes, Carac has to work but he still comes home and helps him out. Brom feels blessed to have a man like Carac in his life, no other dominate can care enough to help out but his husband does and Brom will always be lucky. Brom has always wanted kids and when he got Carac he wanted so many kids with the man he loves. He has always wanted five kids, he's got one and he vows to never have any more kids in his life, the kid is only one month old but Brom thinks the kid hates him, Fendrel cries a lot when in Brom's hands especially when Carac isn't around. Fendrel is in Carac's hands now and he has finally stopped crying with his little thumb in his mouth sucking on it "He hates me" Brom cried

"No, babe..." Carac sighed pulling Brom into a hug pecking his head "You are tired, why don't you get some rest and I will take care of everything alright" Brom nodded pecking Fendrel's forehead who squirmed like he didn't want Brom anywhere near him. Carac gave Brom a tired smile, he watched Brom walk into their bedroom "Hi baby, father is going to make a small phone call" Carac mumbled pulling out his phone dialing his boss' number.

"Hey, Carac how are you man?"

"I will be coming in late today" Carac mumbled resting Fendrel on the changing table keeping a hand on his tiny chest.

"Again, is everything fine"

"Nothing serious but I will come in when I am done" Carac replied with a yawn and when Reynard accepted Carac hang up looking at his precious son. Carac doesn't know why Fendrel always cries when Brom has him, it hurts Brom that his son doesn't want to be held by him. They always say baby alpha dominates reject their submissive parents, it might be what is happening but they need to get a solution for it. Carac can't let Brom think that Fendrel hates him, they both need to connect, Brom being submissive doesn't mean a thing, he is Fendrel's dad. Carac unbuttoned his sons overall putting it a side before taking off his diaper, after wiping his son he put him into another diaper with Fendrel giving him a toothless grin "Why don't you ever smile for your papa huh, huh" Fendrel just laughed as Carac picked him up walking with him into the kitchen.

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