Chapter 11

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Zoricus walked back into the castle his heart at peace. He woke up with Carac and that was the best night he has ever had in his life, having Carac that close to him is everything he has ever wanted, he wanted to spend the day with Carac but that wasn't possible. Carac wanted to go see his son while Zoricus had to set up a meeting with the elders he trust before Carac arrives. Carac may not have bought the idea of telling people about what was happening but they need to know, how their lives got flipped like this "Rowley" Zoricus called his friend who is a dominate beta, Rowley does everything for him he is like the second in command but not like in power but instead in the person who does things for him, the person he trusts.

"Hey king Zoricus" Rowley greeted in a mock great with a smile on his lips. He can play with Zoricus but when Zoricus is in the mood and this moment he didn't see him giving his don't fuck with me face.

"I need you to make a meeting with my father, elder Vervain, Calderon and Ebron get them into my private room" Zoricus said in a formal tone and Rowley nodded going to get the job done. Zoricus pulled out his phone texting Carac

*I have set the meeting, where are you?* 

*I am going to be there in twenty* Carac replied back making Zoricus to smile, it might be for an important matter but seeing Carac again just makes his heart pound in excitement. Zoricus has never been excited to see anyone in his life but he is, alot of weird things are happening in Zoricus' life and he can't explain any of them because all he knows is that he is in love with Carac Rolfe. Zoricus made his way into his bedroom to find Alianor seated on her desk applying lotion on her legs "Good morning" Alianor greeted staring at her husband "Did you see him?" She inquired

"Yeah" Zoricus replied getting into the closet picking out new clothes. He pulled them on before getting out of the closet, Alianor looked like he wanted to ask something but Zoricus walked out of the bedroom not giving her time to voice out her thoughts because he didn't care, he made his way through the hall and into his private meeting room where he set the meeting and when he reached he found everyone inside "Good morning" Zoricus greeted as he entered walking to his chair, they all greeted him back "Rowley go to the gate and wait for Carac Rolfe, when he arrives bring him in here"

"What is Luella's son going to do in here?" Favian asked staring at his son.

"You will see" Zoricus replied staring at the door "I don't need anyone who isn't in this room to know about what I am going to say"

"Did something happen?" Calderon asked staring at his king attentively when the door opened and in walked Carac and Rowley, Zoricus got up and moved to Carac hugging him deeply. Zoricus is not a strong hugger and everyone knows that but still no body in the room took it as a serious issue.

"Did you tell them?"

"No but I was going to, come take a seat" Carac nodded and walked over to the seat next to Zoricus, his heart pounding, he doesn't know how anyone is going to react to it, two alphas that has never happened, they are not set in that nature and they both didn't have a problem about it until days ago. Carac has his doubts about this but he needs to know

"I will start from where it all begun from" Zoricus started gaining their attention again "At the coronation, I was walking in and my eyes met him" Zoricus pointed at Carac who is looking at him afraid to look at anyone in the room "The moment my eyes met his things have been happening, I can't stop looking at him and when he isn't around I feel like I can't breath or function, when we are not together I feel like I would die" Zoricus said staring in Carac's eyes with a smile, the love he feels for the man is in imaginable.

"What kind of bullshit is that?" Favian asked his anger evident in his voice, why are they acting as if they are in love.

"Keep quite and listen" Zoricus growled at his father, he wasn't done, he just got side tracked by Carac "As I was saying, we feel like something is pulling us to the other and we can't control the need, the craving"

"That is impossible, your both dominate alpha's" Vervain said with confusion, none of them got what was happening not even Rowley "It is impossible to even find a single attractive thing on another alpha"

"Do you think I don't know that" Zoricus growled, he isn't a kid to be told the obvious, he knows alphas are not attractive but he has found one that is, that is why he is informing them of the changes, if it was normal he wouldn't be here. Carac held Zoricus' hand calming him down, they were all in Surprise 'Oh' how can he calm down him with just a touch. Carac did know it would calm Zoricus down "We also don't know what is happening, that is why we called you here"

"So your in love" Favian asked in a disbelieving tone "Will you stop whatever game your playing and just stop with this nonsense Zoricus, your married-" Carac growled at him, the married part made him angry he doesn't want to remember that Zoricus is already married. Favian growled back, he can't let just a mere dominate alpha growl at him when he was the king.

"This is bullshit, I told you we shouldn't tell anyone" Carac complained glaring at Zoricus, he knew no one will understand what they are going through, he got up "Am out if here"

"Carac-" his heart stopped, his body started shaking as he fell down on the ground and this time he couldn't breath. His body felt like it was on fire and not in the good exciting way, this time real fire burning him. Zoricus put his arm up to reach Carac but he was too far from reach also gasping in pain while trying to breath. Carac held his neck chocking like he has just swallowed something the blocked his wind pipe.

Favian, Calderon, Ebron the witch and Rowley stood in confusion watching the two men writhe out on the ground holding their throats like they can't breath "What is going on?" Favian asked moving to his son, his eyes are all white like life is leaving his body "He is dying" Favian said staring up at the elders who were just as confused as he was, his son is dying the king is dying. Favian couldn't believe his eyes.

"Put them together" Rowley said, he remembers they said something that they can't live without the other. Rowley moved to Carac pulling him with all his strength, the man is too big, Calderon came and helped him out. Favian moved out of the way and they pulled Carac to Zoricus, the moment they touched, they both gasped back to life taking each other into their arms life coming back into their bodies.

The four men stared at one another wondering what was going on, they were dying but the moment they touched  they went back to normal "So that is what they meant when they said they can't live without the other" Rowley mumbled nodding his head but he was ignored by everyone, he is the only one taking this lightly.

"Has anyone ever seen something like this before" Favian asked the elders and the witch, they have lived longer and they have enough knowledge to describe what he is witnessing, this wasn't just love, Favian watched his son almost die because Carac wasn't close to him "Is this some kind of witch craft binding the together"

"No" Ebron said "If it was I would have felt it but no, it is something else" Ebron knelt down on one knee close to the two who are hugging zoning everyone out "Zoricus, tell us more about this"

Zoricus opened his now red eyes, the thing was pulling him and this time it almost killed him that he is scared to let go of Carac "If we separate when angry this happens, we feel connected, being pulled together by something, even when he is far away. I can smell where he passed and I can find him, I can't get enough" Zoricus explained as good as he could "That was the strongest we have felt, it has not been this intense before" Zoricus admitted, the last time it happened it was never like this that they couldn't breath or move or get to the verge of dying.

"I will go do some research and see if I can find these symptoms anywhere" Ebron said excusing himself but Favian is confused and still not believing his eyes, the way the two are holding each other shows how much they want to be in that hug. Favian has never seen his son need anything, hell all dominates never need anything like the way his son is holding Carac.

"You two have met before when you were young, how come it has never happened before" Favian asked, in fact when Luella brought his son at the castle when they were young, they didn't acknowledge each other, they never spoke or played. They both went the other way and that was it, why is this happening now.

'I can't believe this'

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