Chapter 27

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Zoricus' phone rung and he picked up with a smile when he saw that it was Carac calling "Hello, how did it go?" Carac asked sounding exhausted.

"Not bad but we are still not there yet, I need to give it time that's all" Zoricus replied leaning back in his chair, he is trying to change his parenting style and it won't be changing out of the blue  and Alianor hasn't said a single word about their meeting, she has been in her room all day and Zoricus has decided to give her time "What about you?"

"That is what I called to tell you" Carac replied, Zoricus sat up in his chair waiting for Carac to add, that sounded more like 'Am changing my mind's tone "Brom is taking it hard and I might not come back tonight, I might be back tomorrow, I can't leave him like this"

"At first I thought you changed your mind" Zoricus replied with a sigh leaning back in his chair his heart back in his chest.

"I told you, I am two hundred percent into this"

"Great, I heard Luella was here earlier did she say something" Zoricus heard Carac groan "Was it bad?"

"Not bad but you know her, she was her" Carac was lost on what to call Luella, she is just Luella "How come she didn't come to see you, she adores you"

"Maybe she is angry at me about this"

"She can never be angry at a Beville" Carac confirmed, Luella adores all of them, she would rather blame what is happening to Carac but never at Zoricus "I think she got scared because I kind of threatened her"

"What did you say?" Zoricus asked with a chuckle just picturing Luella getting threatened, she has like the shortest fuse in her body.

"She called me a bitch, I told her I am going to be her king and I think she got scared"

"Do you mean that?"

"Mean what?"

"That your going to be king with me"

"I wouldn't have said it if it was a lie" Carac is planning everything with Zoricus and once they get married which won't be long, Carac will be the second king.

"It's nice to know your ready to take this journey with me" Zoricus admitted playing with his pen "How is your dick?" Zoricus needs that thing to heal

"Am getting fine don't worry about it"

"Am not worried about it, I am worried about you forcing it to work on Brom"

"Zoricus" Carac called with pain "I will never have sex with him again trust me, I can never try okay"

"Watch what you eat then"

"He is not a murderer"

"I know but.... Good night see you tomorrow"

"Zoricus wait, your not happy talk to me" Zoricus sighed getting up to look outside his window as the sun is going down.

"You have been together for five years, it gets hard to compete with that"

"Time doesn't matter, what matters is the love I feel for you. I have personally known you not long but I know exactly what I want. It took me years trying to figure out what I wanted with Brom but with you I already know exactly what I want, be rest assured you have no competition"

"I love you"

"And I love you so much" Silence sounded on the phone as both men listened to each others breathing but didn't say a thing the silence saying everything they would have said to each other "Are we kissing right now"

"You sure bet we are" Zoricus replied licking his lips just imagining Carac was around so that he can kiss him so badly. Zoricus and Carac made the most of it as they stayed on the phone for hours they couldn't describe themselves just enjoying hearing their voices, stupid staff that they probably shouldn't have done when young, regrets. Carac sometimes wishes he had talked to Zoricus when they were young, maybe he would have gotten the opportunity to know him before and he would have experienced the best love with Zoricus, he couldn't have been with others, trying to search the one because the one was finally around.

He doesn't regret being with Brown because their relationship brought them an amazing child but loving Zoricus makes him wish he met him earlier.

It served as a good night when they got off the phone at five in the morning both men having no regrets. Carac has never talked on the phone that long but Zoricus makes it hard to get off. Whatever awaited them in the morning had to wait because no one wanted to hung up the phone. Carac served the table with a smile on his face feeling refreshed even after a night with no sleep, he feels like he slept enough, the only thing missing was Zoricus' body laying next to him with their arms around each other, he will have to see his man today and maybe his dick should heal fast "Morning" Carac greeted Brom who walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes "I am done with making breakfast" Carac served the meal, getting juice and milk from the cabinets before taking a seat this time opposite Brom.

They always sit next to each other but today is different and Brok noticed this "So are you doing this out of pity or because you are going to take us back" Brom asked forking his meal, he needs Carac to decide once and for all where he stands.

"I know you hate me and you have all right to do so. I am sorry that it happened, your the last person I would ever want to hurt. I know I said forever and I am sorry that I broke that" Carac sighed, this was really hard for him and he would do anything to not be in this place "Am sorry, there is absolutely no excuse for what I did"

"I am not going to forgive you" Brom announced tears falling down his eyes "I will never forgive you unless your with me so stop saying sorry and get back to me because that is the only thing I want, the only thing I need"

"I can give you anything but not that"

"Why not, you said you loved me, what makes you sure you won't fall out of love with him"

"Because I know I will never fall out of love"

"So with me you knew you would fall out of love" Brom asked, Carac had no answer for that but these two situations are different, with Zoricus he feels much more than love, Zoricus is much more than the man he loves, he is like the man he lives for the man he desires with everything that sometimes it gets hard to explain what he feels for Zoricus but he knows it is deep and for something like that to melt it might take forever, yes he loved Brom but they are both different.

"I still love you, my love for you will never go away but Brom I am no longer in love with you" Carac sighed passing his fingers through his face "I will keep on supporting you and Fendrel, but I would be moving out" Brom threw the plate at Carac and if he wasn't quick enough to hold it, it would have gone right for his eye. The table got flipped around with Brom yelling in anger.

"Your planning your life what about me Huh" Brom asked pointing at himself "What about me Carac, you are my life, my everything can you stop thinking about you and think about me too, if you have ever loved me Carac don't leave me like this, he has everything, he could have taken anyone but why you, why did he have to take you out of all of them, why are you doing this to me Carac please" Brom cried holding Carac tight crying for him to not leave.

"Please don't leave"

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