Chapter 4

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Zoricus walked out of his bathroom after freshening up very well, he pulled on his already prepared clothes from the hanger. A black suit that he will be wearing as he goes to grimblehawk for the coronation but he will have to change it afterwards when the coronation begins. Zoricus tied his tie before walking out of the bedroom after picking up his phone and wallet that were already on the bed

He walked into the kitchen to find his breakfast already prepared with the kids already at the table enjoying their breakfast "Morning father" Ryia greeted right before Alistar also greeted his father before going back to their meal with him giving them a nod taking his seat.

Alianor served her husband's plate with some scrambled eggs and toast. They enjoyed their breakfast in silence because that is how Zoricus wants it.

Zoricus' phone rung, he pulled it out of his suit pocket "Hello" Zoricus called immediately after picking up while wiping his mouth pushing his half empty plate away.

"Hey your late, you should be here by now. Everything is set and people are already arriving"

"Rowley I still got time but I will be there in time don't worry" Zoricus put a hand onto the phone speaker looking at his wife "Prepare them we have to go now" Zoricus ordered getting up when Alianor nodded picking the kids from the table "Let me hope everything is set and I won't be finding a mess when I arrive"

"Now your worrying me, I should do another inspection just to make sure, nice flight" Rowley hang up, Zoricus stared at his phone sitting onto the couch passing through the pictures of the place. He knows how the coronation is going to be but he has never once gone into grimblehawk  to check how the place is going to be because he's got no time for all of that. He believes that the people who have been preparing coronations for years know exactly what to do and what not to do in these kind of situations so Zoricus isn't worried about any of that

"We don't have time what are you still doing" Zoricus asked, they have been in there for the last ten minutes wasting time and time is exactly something they don't have. He was about to get up and go see what they are doing when they walked out, Alistar is wearing a black suit just like his father just with no tie, Ryia is wearing a red dress with flowers on it, her hair pulled up while Alianor is wearing a long blue dress. She stood with her kids in front of her with a smile as she hoped to get a compliment from her husband but as usual it didn't come. Zoricus put his phone into his back pocket before walking out of the house without acknowledging any of them. They all followed with Alianor disappointed that she didn't get the compliment she was aiming for, she has been aiming for that compliment when she chose the dress but....even if she never gets them she still can't help but be disappointed when not complimented about her efforts to please him, they got into the car the driver taking them to the airport.

They got into the private plane after reaching the airport that wasn't so far away from their house. They each got into their seats each doing their thing, both Ryia and Alistar on their phones with Zoricus on his phone while Alianor had her eyes on her husband. These days she doesn't know if it is the coronation or something else but Zoricus has not been touching her, the rest she is used to it because that is how Zoricus is but in sex she knows how much Zoricus loves sex but these days Zoricus has not been touching her at all, now it has been a week since they last did it yet she can't initiate the moment she desires, Zoricus has to take the first step.

"Zoricus" she gulped and called her heart pounding inside of her chest, Zoricus lifted his head looking at his wife, Alianor didn't know if she should voice out what she wanted to voice out, she has never asked for something like that and it might seem disrespectful though.... "Do you need a massage" she found herself asking chickening out 'When he needs it he will come, he always does' She comforted herself, when Zoricus needs sex it doesn't matter where they are, all she needed to do was be patient because Zoricus will come and ask for it.

Zoricus didn't know where that came from but he sure does need a massage so he nodded looking back down at his phone. Alianor got up getting behind Zoricus, she put her slightly shaky fingers onto his shoulder blades before she started moving them little by little, adding pleasure as she goes with Zoricus' scent attacking her more making her wet in her pants as she bit her lips to keep down a moan that was threatening to come out of her mouth, she needed her husband so much that she released her pheromones "Can you go clean yourself up we can smell that" Zoricus said his eyes not once leaving his phone though he could smell his wife's arousal.

In this kind of moment how can someone get aroused, they are close to the grimblehawk and she is busy thinking about sex 'What kind of queen is she going to be' Zoricus asked himself, these thoughts have been troubling him from day one and he doesn't know why she is still here up to this day 'Maybe it is because I love her' Yeah, for her to still be around with all those flaws, then Zoricus has to be in love with her but he still doubts if she will make a nice queen like his mom once was....

Ellyn, Zoricus' mother, she was the queen when she died of a terminal sickness. Zoricus can say he cared about his mother dearly, the woman raised him but he always looked up to his father more. No dominate wants to be just like their submissive parents which is explained, what can a submissive teach a dominant though Zoricus loved and cared for his mom but during her time in the hospital Zoricus never once stepped foot in her room because there was no use of him going inside when other submissives were taking care of her. On the day of her death Zoricus was six but he didn't shade a single tear on her death bed or when she was being put in the ground. She had done her job by giving birth to him and that was it, the parent he needed the most was his father so there were no tears for someone he won't be missing.

"Father look" Zoricus moved his eyes from the phone looking through the window to find a people all standing waiting for his arrival. The plane stopped all together when Alianor came back and she had cleaned herself up. The doors to the plane were opened and they could hear the cheers all the way from the plane. They climbed down the plane to find a red carpet laid down, with guards surrounding the area.

"The prince of Arkala" Some one announced as the family got down "Welcome my prince your car is waiting" the same guy said with a bow so deep he could taste the ground. Ryia and Alistar were the first in front followed by their mother and lastly Zoricus as he ignored the cheers from the people being stopped by the guards from flooding the airstrip.

They got into the car and the driver driving slowly so not to knock anyone over, there car passed through all the people standing on the side of the road cheering "That felt amazing" Ryia cheered, where they live they are not treated like this and the feeling she got when they walked down that carpet was the best feeling.

"And one day they will all be cheering for one of you" Zoricus replied glancing outside his tainted Windows though he could see what is outside, people throwing flowers while cheering in happiness. He is becoming king because he is the only son of Favian de Beville but if it weren't for that he would be busy with his businesses, he has always known he will be leading since day one and he has been brought up to be a king, now is the time for him to be the king of Arkala, the king of Alphas

'I will be the Queen' Ryia thought looking at his brother  'he can never be king when I am more dominate that him, he isn't like father and he doesn't deserve to be king....'

'I am the queen'

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