Chapter 9

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Carac got into his car driving away, he pulled the car windows down to feel some fresh air and if possible it could get into his lungs and get the disgusting smell out of there because Carac feels like he has just eaten Brom's pheromones and they are disgusting, he needs them out or he needs some nice smell to fill them up. Carac picked up a bottle of water his eyes still on the road and he chugged down almost half a bottle but it all just made the pheromones worse.

Carac parked the car running out, he threw up the remaining contents in his stomach, it felt like he wanted to get them out, he wanted to un-smell them if possible. Carac picked up his water bottle rinsing his mouth again before getting back in the car this time driving at a higher speed with one destination, to go see Zoricus, his amazing smell will take away the Pheromones he just tool in, the smell of vanilla and lemon, he can almost smell it as his excitement quipped a car passed him at a high speed and the smell attacked him stronger that he hit his brakes stopping the car.

Carac got out to find the other car also had stopped right in the middle of the road too with Zoricus also out of the car staring at him. Carac wasted no time when he started walking so fast as the other man joined walking as fast as he could and when they closed the gap between them, the first thing they did was pull into a hug their hearts calming down after receiving what they have craved for, for the entire day but this time it was different and their scents were covered by unpleasant smells "What have you been doing?" Zoricus growled pushing Carac away from him, the guy smells of pheromones all over.

The smell he is getting off of him shows he has been with someone at how they managed to cover his entire body like that. Zoricus has never been hurt like how he feels hurt right now, he has been with someone yet Zoricus has been craving to see him and he has been with someone else "I should ask the same thing?" Carac growled back glaring at Zoricus. Zoricus doesn't know why he is here, why he is getting angry about, him being covered in another person's scent but he is and he can't stand it.

"Fuck you" Zoricus growled turning around to leave but he didn't get a chance to take more than two steps when his heart started beating at a very slow pace, his legs became weak, his body trembling and so hot. Zoricus couldn't move as his body gave out on him going to his knees, he turned his head, his arms yearning to touch Carac who was feeling the same feeling fighting to touch Zoricus again. They didn't know what was going on, where the pain came from or why it did but they knew they needed the other, Zoricus put his arm so weak but he knew the man's touch will make him fine. The minute Zoricus got a hold of Carac he pulled him close into a hug that made their bodies react immediately getting back to normal

They both took in deep breathes clinging to the other like their lives depended on it and indeed it felt like they did. Their hearts had slowed down, bodies gotten weak, they couldn't function and all that was on their mind was to reach out to each other. They are in the middle of the road laying down holding each other in the middle of the night and they don't care because where the other is, is where they belong and nothing else mattered when they had each other.

"I can't smell you" Zoricus complained, he has been trying to smell him but all he gets are the disgusting scent that is all over him "You are covered in someone else's scent"

"I know"

"You have to wash it off" Zoricus mumbled pulling out of the hug, he is not going to hug him and then get to smell some else on him, he is trying to down out the fact that the male is covered in someone else's scent.

"I don't want to leave you" The worry in Carac's voice wasn't masked, when Zoricus tried to leave something big hit him and he wouldn't want to feel it again.

"Let us get a room near by" Zoricus doesn't want to leave him either, a hotel room sounded better than anything else. Carac nodded getting off of the ground and they stared at both of their cars wondering which one they should take, Zoricus knows one thing and that he needs to be as close to the male as possible and two cars won't be working so it didn't matter which car they took as long as they are together.

"Let us take your car" Carac suggested, his car smells so bad and Carac doesn't know why the smell that used to be the greatest smell just turned into something so awful. They didn't say a word as they got into Zoricus' car, Zoricus driving off in silence. Carac staring out of the window in thought, he didn't get what is happening and why it is happening. They drove to the near hotel and it didn't matter how cheap it is, all Zoricus needed was for the male to wash off that horrible scent all over him so that he can smell the real him without other scents.

The hotel room wasn't hard to get but paying was hard to do and not because they each didn't have money. They did but it was who was going to pay for the room they needed, the argument wasn't long until they both decided to pay half, half and that was the only way they could get to stop bickering from who was to pay for the room. Once handed the keys they made their way into the room that they were given and when they got in Carac wasted no time entering the bathroom, he too needed the scent off of him.

Zoricus sat in one of the chair and waited for the male to come out of the bathroom with his smell back. It wasn't long when Carac walked out covered by a robe, water dripping down his body, the robe showing off his hairless chest and his gorgeous legs. Zoricus couldn't take his eyes off of the male not even one single second, he has never seen someone so exquisite and so nice to look at "Aren't you going to shower?" Carac asked, he doesn't smell well himself although Carac was just worse.

"Yeah" Zoricus mumbled shaking his head before heading into the bathroom. Zoricus took the quickest shower in history because he felt like he is missing out the more he stayed in the bathroom. He walked out with a robe and his life came back when he looked at the male still in his robe sitting onto the bed, his legs spread showing off his thighs "What's your name?" Zoricus can't believe he hadn't asked that for the two days they had been meeting and hugging, two things strangers shouldn't be doing. Carac doesn't feel like a stranger but still, that isn't something to do when you meet a person

"Carac Rolfe" Zoricus' eyes widened, he is the son of Luella from the council, Zoricus should have seen the resemblance but he doesn't know where his head was plus Luella didn't get to introduce his family at the coronation. Zoricus moved sitting right next to Carac 'Carac' the name suited him very well, Zoricus thought as he made their thighs touch tingling feelings passing through the both of them, they lifted their heads staring into eachother's eyes before getting into a hug again, this time both getting contented by the smell they were getting.

Carac feels the right smell filling his lungs up instead of the awful smell. They fell back down on the bed not letting go of each other, definitely not the things to do with strangers "Do you know what is going on?" Zoricus asked, it has been itching and he needed to get an idea if what was really going on, why it felt like him with Carac. Just thinking of the name made him smile, he got the name for the face.

"I thought maybe be you knew something" Carac replied with a big sniff "I am so confused but I don't want to get away from you"

"Me neither" Zoricus replied "I don't want to get my eyes off of you, my body craved you, I space out all the time, I can't function well because you can't get out of my head"

Carac pulled his head out of Zoricus' neck to stare him in the eye, that is exactly what he was feeling. Exactly as Zoricus has described it, Carac moved his hand on to Zoricus' jaw tracing it with desire to lick it, desire to touch his skin "Something is pulling me to you" Carac admitted desire in his voice "It is getting harder and harder to fight Zoricus"

Zoricus pulled Carac impossibly closer when he heard how his name sounded on Carac's tongue. Carac moved his head closer to Zoricus' head, their noses touching, their lips closer to each other as their breathes came out rigid, the anticipation for the kiss getting high, both men want to taste each other, they want to taste each other so bad. The feeling got so hard to fight that they both attached their lips, they both moved their tongues to ask for entrance but instead their tongues connected making them both to groan pulling back as something strong, nice and exciting passed through them

They stared into their eyes both wondering what that feeling was, the electric feeling that went through the minute their tongues connected, Zoricus didn't want to wonder more, he rather wanted to feel it again that he pulled Carac into another kiss again this time pushing his tongue inside as the war begun. Both tongues fought for dominance and the feeling was out of the world, the more their tongues fought the more it excited them both, the more it got fun, the more pleasure they felt, the pleasure they have never felt before.

But what are they getting themselves into, can two dominate alphas feel these things for each other, it is so wrong but why does it feel so right and most importantly....

What are they feeling?

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