Chapter 26

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Carac ran inside his house hearing cries, he opened the door to find a messy house but in all the mess he saw his baby boy lying on the couch bowling his eyes out "Brom" Carac called when he didn't see him anywhere as he ran to his son picking him up, Fendrel stopped crying the moment he got into his father's arms "Did you miss me?" Carac asked with a smile but he scrunched his nose "Your diaper is dirty" Carac walked him into his room, cleaning him up changing his diaper

"So did you remember us" Brom's voice came from the door, Carac glanced at him once to find him messed up, his face red and bugs under his eyes.

"Hey" Carac said picking Fendrel after changing him up "Am sorry, the last time we talked I acted like a total douche bag"

"Do you think I care about your apologies " Brom was definitely in no mood to be getting apologies "What your doing is destroying us, what don't you see" Brom has heard the rumors around, he told Carac to end it but that isn't what he is hearing from everyone.

"Let me give Fendrel his bottle, we will talk after" Carac's voice was calm as he looked at his son who was chewing on his fingers.

"We have to talk now" Brom was having none of that, Carac understands that Brom is angry but their son is hungry. Carac passed Brom walking into the kitchen, he searched for Fendrel's bottle before he started making him his formula "Are you listening to me?"

"Brom, I didn't mean for anything to happen" Carac said tying the bottle, he tested the temperature of the milk and when he confirmed it was right for the baby he put the bottle in his mouth staring at Brom "I know this is going to be hard for you and Fendrel, breaking the family apart but I love him-"

"Love him, you love me. You have always loved me and not him, we are your family, he is just trying to ruin what we have, he is just a jealous man who got jealous of us, of our love now he is trying to steal you away from me"

"That isn't it, we had no control over this Brom, it just happened and I fell for him"

"No you didn't, you cheated, men cheat, it's fine if you felt like I was taking long to heal but you don't fall for the other person Carac, you think he is the one for you but your mistaken, I am the right person for you, your love"

"Am sorry, I don't want to hurt you like this"

"Then don't hurt me" Brom's voice was pleading "You promised to never hurt me" Carac pulled the bottle out of Fendrel's mouth, he patted his back as he walked him into his crib laying him down "We are your family"

"And I love you guys so much"

"Then why are you doing this?" Brom asked "Why are you letting him turn you into this, a man who leaves his family, his child his husband, he is turning you into him. Your not this Carac, I know you, we have been together for years, why let some dominant male who doesn't care about you ruin our lives"

"You know nothing about him, none of this is his fault"

"Of course it is his fault, he brought you into this abomination of a life. What can't you see, Carac stop being stupid and open your eyes to the world around you. He just wants to humiliate you, he wants to showcase his power, he is using you, you think he would be with you because he fell in love, your just being stupid enough to believe him" Carac has never heard such words go out of Brom's mouth before and now he is surprised but a person in pain can say anything

"I know your mad-"

"Am not mad, I am sad that you can't see what he is trying to do. People are talking and now they are taking you as a submissive alpha, this is what he is trying to do, trying to humiliate you all over that your not dominate enough" Carac sighed, he doesn't care what people say and if anyone doubts his dominance then they should say so plus this isn't the first time people have doubted Carac's dominance but that still didn't change a thing in how he treated Brom because words are just words and they don't define people.

People judge before knowing the truth just like now, people are judging his relationship with Zoricus, making scenarios in their head about what they do "I have never cared about people's opinions"

"Then you should care about my opinion and stop being a bitch" Carac gritted his teeth, he is sick and tired of people calling him a bitch when they know nothing.

"You're not well, we will talk some other time When you're not like this and I think I should take Fendrel-"

"You're not taking my son anywhere, he is MINE"

"I was going to say to your parents" Carac would never dream of taking Fendrel, he might be a lot of things but he isn't heartless, taking their child from Brom would be so selfish of him, Fendrel needs both of them "You think I would take Fendrel from you, I would never do that he is our child and we both have the right to see him, we will figure something out in the divorce"

"No I do have the right to see him but you don't" Brom clarified his heart pounding when he heard the word divorce, he is never allowing Carac to marry someone else except him and he will not give Zoricus the pleasure of calling Carac his husband because he is the only husband Carac will ever get him or no one else. Zoricus grew up with everything, he has everything, he can't have it all, Zoricus should stay with his staff and let others have theirs "If your not apart of this family your not going anywhere near my son"

"You want to take my son from me just because I want to end this marriage" Carac asked with a disbelief, if Carac was easy before then maybe Brom should try that, maybe then he will know how Carac looks like when triggered, just because he made this marriage equal, it doesn't give Brom the right to think he has the power to take Fendrel. They say give a bird wings and they will fly but Brom is flying way too far.

"Your not ending any of this" Brom replied wiping his tears "You and me are going to stay together period" Brom stepped closer to Carac with a look in his eyes "You, me and our son are staying together whether you like it or not and I forbid you from seeing Zoricus ever again do you understand me"

"What has gotten into you?" Carac asked staring at the person he doesn't understand "I think I have to go, your really not fine we will talk some other time"

"Carac if you dare go back to Zoricus, I will kill him" Carac turned back to look at Brom "No one is taking you from me, I will kill him" Carac growled walking back to him.

"If you ever even try, I will make sure they will be looking for pieces of you when I am done" Carac growled, his look murderous, Brom took a step back holding his ears as tears fell down his cheeks but he managed to stare back up at him. Carac knows Zoricus can protect himself from Brom but just the thought of Brom threatening Zoricus' life just ticked him off

"You think your so much powerful now that your with him, I made you strong. I made you a real alpha, without me your nothing. Without me your just a soft alpha unworthy of being called dominant and now your proving them all right by selling yourself to him, submitting to him. Doesn't that give you shame, being put on your fours by another alpha. Can't you see how disgusting it is but I can forget all of that and we can become a real family again, we can move so that you can never see Zoricus again"

"I will be leaving now, we will talk when your ready for us to talk like adults" Carac said walking away without a word, he walked into their bedroom picking up his suit case packing some of his staff. He should get a hotel room to stay in for days then he will go from there

"Your not going anywhere" Brom picked the clothes that Carac had packed throwing them down "Your staying with me" Brom cried holding Carac for dear life "What will I ever do without you please don't leave me please" Brom cried holding Carac as strong as his small weak hands can "I didn't mean it please don't leave me, I love you Please stay with me, with us"

"It's fine" Carac comforted holding Brom close as he cried.

"No, it's not your going to leave me"

"Am here okay, am here" Carac felt angry about what Brom said earlier and he was willing to leave without looking back but he should try and consider what he is doing to Brom, he doesn't deserve any of it and Carac should be able to understand this more than anyone, he needs to not be heartless about it. He shouldn't treat Brom as someone he didn't love because Carac loves Brom and although not in the same way he does, they should keep the friendship as they are going to co-parent together.

Carac is breaking the family up and Bring is right to feel like this 'What did I do?'

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