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"Breakfast is ready" Zoricus growled loud enough for everyone in the house to hear him and it was not long when they all walked down the stairs with eyes half closed sleepy eyes. They all didn't want to wake up and Zoricus knows that, they gave him a lot of trouble through the years, Knocking on each and everyone's door trying to wake them up and they never do until a month ago when he got frustrated because no one woke up after he woke them up and they happen to do so when he is the one making breakfast. When it is Carac they are out before he is even done.

Zoricus found out that growling at them wakes them up quicker than a fast car, they hate it but he loves it, he loves it so much he did it again just to startle them from their zombie walking state "Dad please tell father we hate it when he growls at us very early in the morning" Alistar complained taking his place on the table "He should do it like a normal parent"

"Darling" Carac walked over to Zoricus pecking his lips "Growling at us so early in the morning is not sexy"

"You all never wake up, I am not stopping this until everyone joins me to breakfast before me having to wake you up" Zoricus replied, he isn't stopping because they don't like it.

"Maybe that should tell you something" Ryia commented getting snickers from everyone around the table.

"Am sorry but your food is just...." Carac stopped in the way as if searching for the word to describe his husband's food.

"BAD" everyone around the table yelled finishing his statement. Carac has tried teaching Zoricus how to cook but for ten years he just never got it. Zoricus' meals are the worst, when his turn comes for cooking everyone just doesn't want to join the table and Zoricus never wants to miss cooking because it is his day and he should be cooking. Zoricus has learnt everything but cooking is just not one of them.

"I hate you all" Zoricus mumbled throwing the apron down. Carac made his way over hugging him, Zoricus tried cooking and they should appreciate his efforts.

"We are sorry" Carac kissed his husband that he still loves just like the first time they met. Not even for five years has his love for Zoricus toned down. Their journey to were they are has not been easy, many people were not accepting of their relationship and that made an impact, nobody understood it, many took it as an abomination because it has never happened before and that affected them so much, that they started searching for the truth from up and down since Ebron came back with nothing, no one had ever had those kind of symptoms in history which made their situation more complicated than ever but they were not giving up, they knew what they felt, they had to fight for their love. They had to do everything in their power to stay together-

"Eww, not at the table again" Ryia complained picking up her phone. She used to hate Carac for changing their father, she was against their love from the beginning but with time she realised that the love her father gave her, the attention she was receiving was better than the commands, it was better than her seeing her father as the person who sat on the side lines. Their family became nice and loving, they could sit and watch a movie, talk to Carac about her problems or her father and not get growled at but instead get advised, family moments are the best and when she saw all those kids at school not get that at their houses, could never play at home with their dominant parents Ryia knew she was lucky, that family became more important than ruling or anything else. Carac and Zoricus both bring out the best in each other and Ryia knows they were meant to be.

"I will get going too" Alistar mumbled getting off of the table, he knows Carac and Zoricus will not be stopping anytime soon, he is waiting for the day he will get some one that loves him like how Carac loves Zoricus because Carac loves Zoricus more period "Fendrel you coming"

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