Chapter 5

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"She is going to be mad" Brom whispered fixing his clothes pulling then down. They had reached the coronation in time but Carac wouldn't get out of the car after creating an intense make out session with Brom that lasted longer than it should have. Carac wouldn't stop the make out session, Brown knew time wasn't on their side but still Carac's kisses are worth a wait, they made him so horny and when he tried recalling the last time they had sex, Brom should say it has been long, with the baby giving them restless nights, Brom wishes to get his man tonight.

"The crowd stopped us" Carac replied fixing his hair "Will you be my date tonight" Carac asked with his hand up already expecting a yes

"Of course my love" Brom took his hand with a smile, Brom loves Carac in every way, he is the best man that he has ever met and he is so glad he gets to call him his and his alone for life. Carac is the best dominate he has ever come across in his life, his care and love he isn't afraid to show, others might call him weak for showing this love and treating Brom as an equal but he never stops doing it and Brom loves him even more everyday for that "I love you"

"Love you more, let's go" Carac pecked Brom's lips before they started walking to the gates that lead to the palace, they didn't pass where everyone is passing as they have to be inside and not outside, if it was up to Carac they would be in bed right now having sex until the sun comes up but Brom was set on coming to this coronation and he would do anything to make his love happy. Carac wrapped his hand around Brom feeling him start shaking because of all these dominates show casing their dominance intimidating the submissives around them, Carac hates that and seeing his love deal with it just makes him sad "Stay close to me okay"

Inside there are going to be much stronger dominates and it will make Brom uncomfortable more that he is now, Carac has nothing to do about that but he will try and protect his love "You can't pass this side" One of the guards at the door stopped the two from entering.

Carac pulled out his phone without saying anything to the guard calling his mother, she asked them to pass this side why would she not finish the damn job and hand out their photos so that they won't be denied entry at the door "Where are you Carac, you have missed the introduction and I stood there as the only council member without a family"

"Mother I am outside, they have denied us entry" Carac replied looking at the guard, he is a dominate alpha a little shorter than Carac but still tall making Brom look like a toddler between the two because of his five feet three.

"Draper that is my son let him in" Luella said in a friendly tone coming to the door, the guard stepped aside allowing the two entry. She glared at her son before sighing lost on what to say because she has a lot and she believes it will just take a lot of time yet the coronation is about to begin and she doesn't want to miss that one "Follow me"

Carac smiled down at Brom before following his mother. The reached other doors where they were allowed entry getting inside the beautiful Grimblehawk palace. It has beautiful chandeliers, white and yellow lights shining the building making it look exquisite. Carac loves yellow colour so much that he loved the theme and the decorations in the room. The yellow carpet leading to the throne, Carac's eyes have never seen this beautiful colours be used in this gorgeous way. Carac moved to their chair with his eyes checking out the decors, this was immaculate to Carac "You love yellow" Brom pointed out as they took their seats.

"Yeah" Yellow colour just wakes everything up, white lights are beautiful but adding yellow to them just makes them even better, the chairs being yellow and white 'yes' these were better than the colours of his wedding. Carac's wedding had the colours Brom wanted and those were blue and red, Carac wanted to make Brom happy and he loved the colours too but there is nothing as beautiful as yellow colour and if his wedding had a tiny bit of yellow it would have been the best designed wedding, too bad Brom didn't want any yellow on his wedding

"Arise". Voice boomed through the hall and they all stood up, the Arkala anthem was sang after king Favian got into his throne. The anthem ended and a round of applause sounded as everybody took their seats, people who are outside are watching from the television outside showcasing everything live to them. The king gave his speech, thanking everyone for being good on his reign, he has ruled sixty years and it was time for him to get off of the throne and let his son shine "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome prince Alistar and princess Ryia de Beville of Arkala" the doors opened and everyone looked behind to see beautiful two children enter the hall.

The boy is wearing a white suit with Arkala's flag on the back while the girl is wearing a long yellow dress with little white petals in her hair and as they walked down the carpet every eye was on them, still young but they held their strong aura up showing how strong they are. Ryia made his aura stronger than Alistar who did everything not to look at anyone in the face but rather where he is going while Ryia did her best to be noticed by each and every person around, her hand waving out with a smile making everyone to smile back at her until they reached seating on their small thrones next to the king's throne.

"Alianor de Beville duchess of Arkala" the announcer announced and she came out looking as beautiful as ever, her eyes cast to the king as she was taught in training, her heart pounding with all the eyes on her. She is wearing a long cream dress that has other maids holding it back for her as she made her way to the throne and when she reached she gave a curtsy before taking her seat "The duke of Arkala, Zoricus de Beville" they announced and everyone stood up looking back and when the doors opened Zoricus was standing there in his royal suit with a royal mantle with Arkala's flag on it.

His face set in a straight line with his gunmetal blue eyes set on the throne where his father was sitting. Music sounded as Zoricus started taking step after step at a time inside. The power getting off of him made every submissive's blood boil, holding onto whoever could help them. Brom pulled on Carac's hand getting closer to him as possible and he expected Carac to wrap his hand around him like he usually does when Brom is scared but it didn't happen, Carac's eyes were on Zoricus as his heart pounded inside his chest.

The moment the doors opened and his eyes landed on Zoricus the next king of alphas, the next king of Arkala, Carac felt like he couldn't breath. He felt a strong force pulling him in, showing him something that he has never seen before in his life, Carac saw someone he didn't know he was searching for yet found nether the less, Carac felt like every step the Zoricus took was for him to get closer, Carac felt like he couldn't breath just by looking at Zoricus' face which was set in a firm line but still so handsome, the most handsome man Carac has ever seen. His body heated up, the room getting so hot the more Zoricus got near him, his fingers yearning to touch him.

Zoricus walked down the isle with confidence, he has never been nervous before in his life but still his mind is telling him to look on his left, he doesn't know why but a strong force is telling him to turn his head for just a second and everything will be okay 'But everything is okay' Zoricus thought to himself, shaking his head focusing on where he is going. He managed to reach the throne kneeling down on one knee trying so hard to fight the urge that is forcing him to look at his left. His body felt hot, the mantle feeling like it is burning him inside, he became so sweaty and he started hating the traditions going on around here, his brain, heart, body forcing him to look back, telling him he will like what he sees if he just gave it one look, just one look, just one look.....

And that is what Zoricus did, he gave it one look, one look but he couldn't look away again because that one look felt like his.....


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