1. A Fever Dream.

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I stumbled along the sidewalk, desperately trying to find my way home

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I stumbled along the sidewalk, desperately trying to find my way home. I could hear my heart pounding in my head. Migraines had never been this bad for me.

'Ugh. I knew I shouldn't have sat next to Josh. That little shit, he gave me a fever! And now I have to go home early and do my Maths exam tomorrow. How trashy.'

My face flushed red, and the world distorted around me. This was getting out of control. My house was only a few blocks down, if I ran, I could make it in time.

Fighting with my body to stay conscious, I ran ahead, stopping and starting at points. At the brink of exhaustion, I pushed open my door, and fell straight inside my house.

"Y/N? Y/N! Oh god! I knew I should've brought you home from school! Are you okay?"

I tilt my head, and see my mother.

"I'm... okay... I need... rest..." I puff heavily, barely able to form words.

"Alright then. I'll carry you to bed. I may be getting old, but I still work out! Gosh. I've never seen a fever this bad. Maybe we should call the doctor if it stays this way."

I slowly close my eyes, feeling the will to stay awake drift away.







The surrounding world around me warped and contorted horribly, and strange voices lingered in the air. Faces faded in and out of vision, causing me great distress as the floor spun around and around. I felt disgustingly paranoid and anxious.

The colours seemed painfully vivid, and my migraine wouldn't stop hurting.

Who kept shouting at me?
Where was I?
What was going on?

It was like multiple stars were shining in my face– I felt like I was melting.

I crouched down, and spewed out colourful vomit, before passing out.




I jolt up. Looking around, I found myself in a beautiful forest. Like, really beautiful. The trees were tall and the greenery were lush. Large mushrooms towered over the sparkly flowers, the scenery was just so serene and picturesque. I felt around at my pockets, only to find no pockets. In fact, my clothing were completely different than what I fell asleep in.

I was wearing a fluffy collared sweater, with a large ribbon at the front. Feeling fabric on the back of my knees, I spun around and realised that the ribbon is attached to an elegant flowing cape.

"Woah! What the hell?"

My black skirt spun around along with the two ribbons tied to the skirt's buttons. And finally, I felt the top of my head. It was no doubt, a witch hat. A witch hat with pretty little bunny ears, with multiple fabric patches stitched on. At the very tip of the hat, was a small blue flame.

"This is so pretty, I wish I had my phone on me. Wait no- where even am I?"

Groaning, I begin walking around the forest. I didn't know where I was going, but the way I was headed felt right. After what felt like a few minutes, I saw an adorable cottage by a river.

The house had a few rows of bricks at the bottom of the walls, like a tall wall trim, and the rest of the walls were made of white clay. It had a second storey, and a gorgeous balcony. The roof were made of bricks, adorned with small potted plants scattered on the tiles.

"That's so cute and aesthetic, holy shit."

Leaves grew all over the cottage, and the stained white windows glistened in the sunlight. There were parts that were shaded over a huge tree, which was tied with lanterns and had a swing set hanging off of it. A smile crept onto my face, and I ran over to the swing.

"Ack! This place is so cute! I don't care what kind of situation I'm stuck in, I'm just happy that it's in such an adorable setting! Eee!" I squealed as I gripped onto the old rope.

Eventually, I stumbled off the swing, and headed over to the cottage. The wooden door seemed old, yet magical. It looked like it was inviting me inside. There was a broken sign hanging on the door, but I couldn't read what it said.

"Oh, whatever. I'm going inside."

The interior was just as beautiful as the rest of the house. Potted plants everywhere, books scattered around the floor, it was messy- yet cosy. I spied a large couch, and immediately flopped onto it.

"Man, nothing beats a good rest on a good couch. This is literally my dream home." I smiled contently, before closing my eyes.

'But... wait. Where am I? How did I get here in the first place? I was simply just sleeping at home, and then boom. I'm here. Well, I did get that weird dream before coming here. Did that mean anything? Oh gosh, I can't remember that dream! Ugh! Think! What was I doing before my fever?'

'I was getting bashed by my bitchy bully. Fun. Hm, well what did I do before that?'

I glanced over at a framed photograph of a dog on the wall.

'I was studying with my friend, Kato. Argh! Before that? ...I was.. at school. And then sleeping. Then it's back to Wednesday, and I wasn't doing much.'

'Then I was at the Student Council Meeting... and then before that... I went to the local convenience store to get snacks for the President. And while I was walking there... I can't remember. I can't remember anything before that. So it must be something I saw while on that walk! But what did I see?'

Groaning again, I rest my head on a cushion.

"Whatever, I'll deal with it tomorrow..."




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

yayy i finally finished

this story features 2 males and 1 female who will thirst over our lovely y/n.

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now