8. Mixed Feelings.

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You were still quite surprised from hearing that Chirin was a stalker. You knew it was wrong, but couldn't really get too mad. After all, in your original world, you were obsessed with yandere light novels and fanfiction.

Though, the thing you were most scared about was Kato's personality change.

"Alrighty then! Don't be too mean to Aren, okay sweetheart? I gotta take care of the dragons, so I'll see you two later! Bye bye!" Kato happily waved goodbye to the werewolf and witch. "Oh, and remember what I said Y/N. Stay out of trouble!" the boy tackled you into a crushing hug, snuggling into your neck before pulling away. He hopped on his dragon and flew away.

"Ain't he a scary one? All cute and innocent one moment, look away, and suddenly he's more terrifying than Chirin, hey?" Aren laughed. "But really, it's kinda unnerving how someone can switch personalities so quick."


"Oi, Y/N. You good? Ah- you still down from the whole Chirin thing? It'll be alright. She's a real bitch, you know? I know you had like, a crush on her, but just forget her. She's toxic, and be careful of Kato. It's a bit suspicious, you know? He could have a mental disorder." He slung an arm around your shoulder, smiling.

"What's with you? Suddenly so nice and caring? What are you planning, I mean- the Aren I know is a rude, moody piece of shit." you giggled, patting his fluffy hair. He responded by huffing, and walking back inside the house.

"Y/N! Get in here, I made some lunch!" he called out to you.



You sighed, falling onto your bed. Everything has been so chaotic, and you hated it. You flipped through the book that Chirin gave you, and tried to figure out what to do.

"Hm. If this is true, then maybe all we have to do is find some magician? And then if they're nice, they'll let us out, right? Hmph. It's easier said than done. This magician could be anywhere." you groaned.

Knock, knock.

"Oi, witchy. I'm coming in." Aren called out. "M'kay. So I know you're feeling kinda bad, but don't worry. How about we go for a walk, maybe bake a cake, and have sone time to relax, yeah? We've got such a cool house, but all you do is laze around and sulk about random shit."

Aren sat down on the bed beside you. "And yeah, I was shitty to you during high school, but just forget about that. The least I can do to help is you is this. But don't think it's because I like you or anything, you're a weirdo. Now let's go make a cake." he turned his face away from yours, probably blushing furiously.

'Ah, that's kinda cute, but you were a real bitch back then, don't think I forgot. I am starting to warm up to you though.' you stood up, and took his hand. "Come on then!" the two of you then went to the kitchen, and began the cake.

"Man, I can't cook for shit. I don't get how you do it so effortlessly." you leaned across the kitchen counter. Aren was at work, stirring the batter.

"It's not that hard, really. I used to cook with my mother a lot when I was little. You better not tell anyone, or I'll smash your head in. But yeah, I know a bit." he set the bowl down, and opened a cupboard, taking a tray.

"Pfft- why? You scared that people are gonna judge you for baking cakes with your mummy? Who cares? Is cooking too girly for you to be seen doing? Hm?" you teased, receiving a smack on your head. He had hit your hat off, making it glide to the floor.

Aren smirked. "Yeah yeah, whatever nerd." he slowly poured the batter into the tray, making sure there are no air bubbles. "Okay, so we're going to make one of those swirly cakes. Well I'm making it. After I put the tray in the oven, I'm gonna start on the filling. It's going to be whipped cream with diced strawberries. That good?"

"Yeah! Woah, for once you sounded professional and serious. Aren't you cool!" you grinned, lightly punching his arm. His ears drooped down, and his face flushed.

"T-thanks I guess." he crossed his arms, cursing himself. His mind was always a mess, always full of thoughts, always full of you. When did it start? He had no idea. During high school, he simply just had a sudden thought. 'I like her.'

And that was that. With no idea how to convey his feelings, he continued the bullying. He was ashamed, but couldn't stop. He hated to admit it, but he adored seeing your crying, fearful face. Now that it was just him and you, he was able to forget about that time, and it seemed that you had also forgot about it. He was happy, extremely happy. You actually liked him! Whenever you spoke with your angelic voice, he shivered in pure pleasure. But every now and again, he couldn't help but want to see you in despair. Your tears were beautiful to him. However he couldn't risk you hating him.

"Oh! I cut myself. Hey Aren, where are the bandaids?" your voice interrupted his train of  thought.

"Huh? Oh. God you're useless aren't ya? We're not even using knives. Here." he held your finger and licked it. "Can't you literally use healing magic, love?"

"Gosh, I can too! I'm so dumb. But what's with the pet name? Should I start calling you my good boy?" you realised what you said, and blushed furiously. The fact that he licked your finger made you even more flustered. Aren was no better either, his face was even redder than yours.

"S-sorry, haha. I guess I wasn't thinking! Sorry if it weirded you out, i-it was a joke, since you're a werewolf, you know?!" you stuttered out.

"No. Say it again. Please." he whispered.

"S-say what?" you didn't like where this was going.

"Call me your good boy." he held your hand up to his cheek, nuzzling it.




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

i just watched saiki k and realised that aren has the same name as one of the characters ☠️

they're not the same character, so i drew our werewolf man

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now