11. The Mountains.

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"Err, I'll just... stick with Kato." you chuckled awkwardly.

"WHAT? DARLING, WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THAT ABOMINATION?" Chirin gripped your wrist tightly.

"Y/N, seriously? The mountains, where the environment is cold, harsh and boring? You're better off going with me-"

"Nope! Y/N wants me, so she's getting me! That's it. Now, me and Y/N are going off to prepare. See ya, nerds!" Kato laughs light heartedly. He was back to his usual, joyful self. Hopefully he stayed that way.

Kato took you hand and ran off, dragging you with him. You could feel the burning glares of Aren and Chirin behind you. They were definitely mad.

"Come on Y/N! We're going to have a lot of fun!" he grinned, hopping onto his dragon.




"It's good that we finally have some alone time, right?" you smiled, holding a small backpack. Normally, you wouldn't be able to shove much in it.

But, since you were a talented witch, you cast a spell that allowed you to stuff as much stuff into the bag without it breaking. You could even put items bigger than the bag itself inside! It was great being a witch, although sometimes being with your three friends made you forget all about your abilities.

"Y/N~ are you ready?" Kato called out.

"Yep, coming!"


"I can never get used to riding dragons. It's amazing." you smiled, gazing at the land below.

The two of you were high in the sky now, flying all the way to the mountain ranges. Kato's dragon was beautiful. It's scales were smooth and textured, and white as snow. The wings flapped through the air smoothly, as if they were cutting through the wind.

One thing you couldn't get over was the dragon's eyes. They were a blazing red, shining like gemstones. It was wonderful.

"You seem to be enjoying this! Well, of course you are! You're with me, after all." Kato glanced back at you, grinning.

"Well, yeah! You're always so sweet and carefree, I feel like I can just be myself and have fun with you." you smiled, leaning back to stare at the clouds above.

"Oh? Does that mean I'm better than the other two? Or is there something bugging you about them?" Kato questioned. You could tell that he was slowly changing again. But nevertheless, you continued. You just wanted to rant for a while.

"Well, in a way. Aren, I'm always scared of him hating me and going back to how he was. He's nice and good now, but I could never forget how horrible he used to be." you sighed. Kato whispered something to the dragon, and then crawled over to you.

"It's okay. You know, you can tell me anything. I'm listening. I promise I'll stay sweet to you! I'm all yours." he held you in his arms, cuddling you.

"Thanks. Well, I dunno. Everything's so confusing. I just wanna go home with you all." you leaned into his touch, enjoying it while it lasted.

Kato giggled, and rested his head on your shoulder.


"Hey, Y/N! Wakey wakey! We're finally here!" Kato shook you awake.

You rubbed your eyes, slowly taking in your surroundings. Damn.

You were leaning against the sleeping dragon under a tree with glowing white leaves. They were transparent and glossy, almost like glowing glass. Definitely something you'd only see in a fantasy world.

The grass was a minty green shade, and was scattered in small patches. You were expecting a barren mountainous wasteland, but it was actually a beautiful snowy paradise.

Each flower had a kind of misty glow to it, which you found mesmerising. The ground was covered with a light layer of snow, which was as white and soft as a cloud. Everything here was just beautiful.

"Kato! This place is gorgeous!" you smiled. You just couldn't contain your grin after seeing such beauty.

"Right? And I thought this place was like death. If the magician dude exists, he'd definitely be here! Think about it, this is an area commonly seen as a wasteland. But in reality, it's like heaven!" Kato laughed, jumping into your arms.

"Exactly! Now, we better get looking, huh?" you beamed. If you found him, then he'd let you go home for sure, right? That is, if he exists. If he doesn't you'd just move onto the next possible way to leaving.

All day, you and Kato searched through the mountains. Every single cave and crevice, every single forest and cliff, every single clearing and river. Using your magic and Kato's dragon, one could say that you looked through the entire mountain range.

Even after all that, you still couldn't locate the man. Did he even exist? Or was he hiding within the jungle or village outskirts after all?

You flopped down onto the makeshift bed. It was made of the wool that you brought, and was heated up using your magic.

"Welp, that was a complete waste of time!" you sighed. Not long after, Kato jumped onto you. He snuggles under your covers and cuddled with you once again.

"Not a complete waste! We spent time together! Just the two of us! Every single second I spend with you is one well spent." he wrapped his arms around you, snuggling into you.

"Awh, you're too cute! What have I ever done to deserve you?" you laughed, returning his hugs.

The two of you fell asleep together amidst the cold of the mountains.




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 


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