4. Trip to The City.

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Y/N and Aren strolled out of Kato's cave, bags filled with gold.

"This will certainly last us few weeks!" Y/N laughed, dumping a small pouch of jewels into Aren's arms. The boy was slowly trailing behind the happy witch, trying not to spill all of the valuables they had just earnt.

"What are we going to do with this money anyways?" Aren grumbled.

"Go shopping in the city, of course! I have yet to see what that place is actually like. I could get used to this life." Y/N chuckled. She skipped ahead, all the way back to the cottage.


Staring at the giant paper map on the wall, Y/N tried determining the fastest route to the city.

'The city of Taron. Capital of the Kingdom Yonaris. Ruled over by their Princess. Hm. Cool.'

She and Aren were living in an isolated forest, so getting to the city by foot would take an eternity. Especially with the added weight of gold.

"We could take the main road. But that place is too crowded and nasty. Then there's also this part... but it seems so sketchy. Ugh.. should we just go back to Kato and ask for a ride?" Y/N groaned.

"Yeah, okay." Aren slouched over the couch, playing with his tail.

"Don't you 'yeah, okay' me! Remember what got you into this mess!"

"I'd rather not. Just call that kid and head to the city. I wanna see the marketplaces."

Y/N huffed, and headed back to the cave to Kato.




"W-Woah! This is so cool! But are you sure this is safe?" Y/N asked Kato.

Y/N, Kato and Aren were sitting on Koru, Kato's giant white dragon. They were all clinging tightly to the straps that attached the several bags of gold, as they were soaring through the sky. It was like a dream, passing through clouds and observing the world from above.

After a while, more and more buildings could be seen scattered across the grassy planes.

"We're getting closer!" Y/N smiled, excited to be in a more populated area again.

Soon, the entire city was in view. Buildings clustered together, all surrounding the city square. Further in the distance, was a huge stone castle on a mountain. Y/N assumed it was the Royal Castle, where the Princess ruled over the lands.

"Should we land? The marketplace is right over there, by the way." Kato pointed at a dense area of the city.

Y/N nodded in response, and Aren threw up at the back. Koru slowly descended as several civilians watched in awe.

"Y/N! Can't you use a magic spell to like, store this gold?" Kato yelled out.

Y/N hopped off of Koru. "Oh wait, I think I can!" She dug around through her memories to try and remember if she could do such a thing. Focusing on the task, Y/N reached out her hand towards the numerous carts of gold. Mist swirled around her hand and around the gold. Suddenly, it disappeared. The gold was gone.

"Wowie. Did I do that? Do I still have it? I hope I do." Y/N gasped.

"You better have it. We don't want to be accidental scammers." Aren croaked out, sore from vomiting in the sky.

Kato waved goodbye, and rode back into the sky.

"To the marketplace!" Y/N nodded.

The pair wandered around the marketplace, stopping at every single stall. One stall sold interesting accessories to enhance specific types of magic. Each accessory had a complex design, and seemed very expensive. Y/N couldn't help herself, and bought a hairclip to help her mind focus.

Meanwhile, Aren trailed off to the food sections of the market. There were stalls serving unique fruits, baked goods, pastries, drinks and sweet desserts. Aren didn't know which ones he would enjoy, and ended up purchasing most of them.

The two impulse buyers met back up at a fountain in the city centre, bags full of pretty little items and a literal buffet.

"Gosh! This place really is the best! I almost don't want to go back!" Y/N laughed, sipping on a drink that she snatched away from Aren.

"Mhm. But you make the whole atmosphere kind of annoying and intolerable for me."

Y/N grumbled, and walked away from Aren.

The girl stumbled into a group of knights. They seemed very high ranking and intimidating, so Y/N froze on the spot. Aren chased after her, but when he saw the knights, he stood behind the young witch. 'What a great guy he is.'  She thought.

"Halt. In request to the Princess of Yonaris, we must escort you to the Royal Castle. She wishes to speak to you." One of the knights spoke up. Civilians watched, as Y/N reluctantly stepped into a fancy-looking carriage. Aren was then shoved inside too.




The Royal Castle of Yonaris. It was the most fantastical and exquisite building Y/N had ever seen before. It was white, with polished pillars and stained windows. Everything had such intricate details and it was simply just gorgeous.

Y/N was led into a large room, that seemed to be a throne room. Streams of crystal clear water flowed down, in line with rows of pillars. Part of the floor was lined with carpet, and the high, arched ceiling was made of glass. The young witch felt like her presence alone was dirtying the entire castle.

All of this was leading up to the most divine throne, most likely made fully of rare gemstones. Although the most important in the room, was the person sitting on the throne. The most ethereal being, the only one who could match the divinity of the room. There sat the Princess.

"My! Good evening, darling. It's been a while."




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

well, now we've met all the members of the harem (next chapter will be dedicated to our lovely princess/student council president)

originally, there was supposed to be one more guy, but he was too out of place :')

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