7. Castle Library.

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Y/N leaned back in her chair. She couldn't find anything that could possibly relate to her situation. There weren't even any 'Reincarnated as the Villainess' light novels, which wouldn't really help anyways.

'God. This is just useless, isn't it?' Y/N sighed. Usually, in isekai novels, the main character just lived on in that world. They didn't think twice about what happened, or how. It was all about their new lives. However, Y/N disliked the thought of staying in this magical world. She desperately wanted to go home with Kato, Chirin and Aren. The world they were teleported into wasn't even the world of a novel, game or show. It was just a world.

"Ah- Y/N darling! I believe I have found a
source that may interest you!" Chirin called out.

"Wait really? Could you show me?" Y/N stood up from her desk and walked over to Chirin.

"I found this book in the 'Legends, Myths and Fairy Tales' section. It's quite interesting."

She was definitely correct. It was an old picture book telling the story of a group of friends being teleported into another world. They end up meeting a grand magician living in ancient castle ruins. The magician was banished from the main kingdom for a reason not mentioned, and was studying in isolation. This person wanted to further expand their range of magic, eventually going into other worlds and taking people.

The group talked things through with the magician, and was able to leave.

"Woah! That's just like us! Do you think we could find someone like that?" Y/N smiled.

Chirin sat next to her, and nodded. "Maybe we could find this magician, and escape this world. Go back to our lovely high school life. Just the two of us, without those idiotic boys. Sounds like a dream, right darling?"

She stroked Y/N's soft hair, until someone suddenly burst through the door.

"OI, PRINCESS. GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE LADY, SHE'S NOT YOURS. And Y/N, I finished cooking the fish. I'm not sure if it tastes good because this is the first time I've made this type of food. You better like it, I didn't spent the entire day hunting and cooking for you to spit it out." Aren yelled at Chirin, but used a softer tone while talking to Y/N. He was somehow lifting a huge cart full of food.

"Aren! Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot about you! And maybe just put the fish on that desk over there? Thank you." Y/N pat Aren's head and big fluffy ears. She was a bit freaked out when he started quietly purring, but it was probably just the new werewolf instincts or something.

"My, my! Look who's shown up. The rabid dog and... that." Chirin rested her head on her hand.

"Surprise, surprise, crazy." Aren grumbled.

"Hey Chirin, you know that Y/N's not just yours. She's our friend too. Not your property, not yours to keep for yourself. Y/N, you've been spending too much time with Chirin. We should continue our tea party and have a sleepover like when we were in the other world!" Kato smiled. He entered the room and pulled Y/N out of her seat.

"H-Hey, wait. At least let me keep the book. A-and I need to say bye to Chirin." Y/N grabbed the book, and turned to Chirin. However, the Princess had the most deadly glare Y/N had ever seen on her face. For the first time, Y/N was scared of the gorgeous girl. "Uhm, Chirin. I'm going. Bye."

"...of course." Chirin mumbled.




"Finally getting out of crazy's grasp, huh?" Aren smacked Y/N's back. "Good on you. She's just bad, no matter how hot she is, she's a piece of shit and we both know it. You know she's toxic, but set it aside 'cuz she's hot, yeah? Down bad."

"She hasn't really done much though." Y/N chuckled.

"She hasn't done much? You kidding? Back at the other world, she once followed me home and tried threatening me. She said that I was to close to you or something scary." Kato sighed. "Hey Aren, could you leave the room for a bit? I've gotta talk to Y/N. About stuff."

"God, okay. Keep it in your damn pants though. Try anything, and I'll kill you." Aren scowled, and shut the door, leaving Y/N and Kato alone in her room. It's not like it was their first time being alone together, the two frequently had sleepovers in the other world.

"So what is it?" Y/N smiled.

Kato was usually a bubbly and cute boy. He was always so sweet and cuddly, but this time he seemed like a different person. His eyes weren't their usual soft brown. This time, they were laced with hate. He shifted closer to Y/N, on the bed, and leaned forward to her ear.

"Y/N. I don't like Chirin. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate her. She thinks she's so great, and she thinks she can keep you all to herself. She's dangerous." Kato whispered, looking down. "I'm gonna tell you a secret. I once saw her following you after school. I think she was taking photos too. She caught me, and said if I told anyone, she'd kill me. I hate it. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her."

Y/N took a deep breath in. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was speechless.

"Hey, Y/N. How about.. how about you stick with me? You've been with Chirin too much. I hate how you always choose her over me. Why not me? She's no good. She'll scare you. I won't though. I'm your sweet, cuddly sweetheart. I'll protect you. I'll make sure Chirin never touches you again. I'll make sure nobody touches you again. Nobody. Only me... I'm yours, Y/N." Kato slowly crawled into Y/N's lap, and hugged her waist. At this point, Y/N had mixed feelings about everything. She had tears streaming down her face, but couldn't bring herself to make a noise. She rested her chin on Kato's head, and closed her eyes.




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sorry for the slow updates again haha!

at first, none of them were gonna be yanderes, but i love yanderes too much so now they're all obsessed lol.

also! fun fact: there was originally another love interest who was a popular hot guy, but i scrapped him because i couldn't figure out a good personality for him. :)

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