12. Back Together.

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So, you guys were all back together. It was pretty fun, going on a trip like that. The thing is, you had achieved absolutely nothing.

"There's no way Mr. Magician exists. Even if he did, we're never finding the dude. He could be literally anywhere, some random civilian maybe. Or he could be in a secret passageway that only he can enter, who knows! I'd say we should move onto our next lead." Aren sighed.

You were all sitting at the tea table outside your cottage, discussing what to do.

"Well, we can't give up too early! I mean, there's still so many places we have yet to check, right?" you chuckled. Everyone was losing hope for this idea. It was basically just you who wanted to keep going. It was also just you that wanted to go back to Earth.

"I don't get why you want to go back so bad anyways. It feels the same, but better." Chirin smiled.

"Yeah, but you're a princess! You're treated exactly the same in both worlds, except people call you Princess here and President back there." you groaned.

Why did nobody else want to go home? Did they just not think about their families? What do the people back there think? Did you just get reported as missing people? You had too many questions, and you did not want them to go unanswered.

"Well, Earth has way too many problems. I'm not living in a world that's going to destroy itself. This world though, it has pretty much no problems. It's everything Earth is not." Aren argued.

Chirin sighed. "For once, I agree with the dog. But, I think I know the main reason why we want to stay here. Right, Aren and Kato?" she smirked, staring sharply at the two boys.

"Hmph. I don't want to listen to you two any more, I wanna go home! Y/N! Wanna go home? I'm sleepy, and I like sitting on your bed!" Kato beamed, ignoring Chirin's deathly stare and Aren's scowl.

"Yeah, let's go. Nobody really wants to help me get back to Earth, huh?" you sighed, glancing back at Aren and Chirin.

Alright, yeah, you were trying to guilt trip them into helping you. But you really wanted to get home, so it's fine.

"Ah- no! I'm helping you! I've been much more of a help than anyone else, Darling! I would never-" Chirin began, before getting cut off by Aren.

"No way! I've never let you down! I've cooked for you, protected you-"

"Oh please, you've protected her? You've done nothing. My, you are so brave for interrupting me like that! Hah, it's hilarious. You are such a dense little thing. Don't you forget who's land you're on right now. Everything from the jungle to the mountains belongs to me. Everyone in that area also belongs to me. Including-"

"God, shut up you brat! Don't even try change the subject, because really! What have you ever done for Y/N? Nothing. I make her dinner, I clean the house, I built that house! I do chores for her and I do everything for you. You just watch from the sidelines like the bitch you are!" Aren growled.

"Uh oh! They're really about to tear each other apart, huh?" Kato whispered in your ear.

You flinched, not noticing the boy leaning towards you.

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now