5. Darling Princess.

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"My, my! Y/N darling, you look so adorable as a little witch!" the Princess smiled.

Y/N's jaw was wide open, for reasons more than one.

"P–President? You're.. the princess." she gaped.

"Indeed I am! Though, how many times do I have to tell you? You may refer to me as my first name, no formalities, dear." the Princess stood from her throne, and strolled over to where Y/N was standing.

"Your majesty! These two are being extremely rude! All civilians must kneel in your presence!" a guard began, but was interrupted by the Princess.

"There is no need. My darling is the only exception to that rule." the Princess towered over Y/N, in all her elegant glory. She cupped Y/N's cheek with her hand, as the young witch blushed furiously.

"Now, say my name, will you?"

Y/N was a flustered mess.

"Ahem..? I exist too." Aren coughed out.

"Oh? What's this.. thing?" the Princess looked up.

"I'm Aren. Y/N's friend."

"Friend? Pfft! How ridiculous. I recognise you. Now, you dare call yourself Y/N's friend after all that you have done to her?" the Princess walked over to Aren, and grabbed his shoulder harshly while smiling maliciously.

A few guards took notice, and began yelling. "Princess! Do not dirty your hands! We will–"

"It is fine. Darling, may I have a word with this little runt in private?"

"Definitely." Y/N nodded.




"What do you want? I have other things to do than chit-chat with a dumb princess."

"Of course. Now, straight to the point. I was the perfect head of our academy, I will be the perfect head of this kingdom until we leave. What are you? An angry mutt who bullied Y/N in high school."

Aren stayed silent, as he knew he couldn't say anything back to the Princess. Her presence alone was enough to shut someone's mouth and make them feel irrelevant to the world.

"I remember a couple times where she came running into the Student Council Room, crying. Every day, you'd do something. Spill some milk on her, vandalise her desk or locker, verbally harass her. What pathetic behaviour. Why?" she glared.


"Hm? Speak up." after being met with silence, the Princess smirked. "Don't worry, I already know why. I can see right through someone as transparent and unoriginal as you. Now, do me a favour and stay away from my darling. You don't deserve her perfect adoration. Only I do."

Aren stared at the ground, unable to form words. He cursed under his breath, mentally death staring at the Princess. He knew she was somewhat right, and he hated that.

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now