Chirin End.

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"Oh for GOD'S SAKE. I'm sick of this. You two. Get out now." Chirin commanded.

Immediately, a group of armed guards came in and forced Aren and Kato out of the room despite their best efforts.

Aren struggled to keep the door open and stuck his head inside. "You stuck up bitch. I never liked you. You always acted like you were so fucking high and mighty-"

"Shut your trap. As if you were any better." Chirin spat back.

With that, they were gone. Presumably thrown into a dungeon or some kind of prison cell.

"Oh Darling, I'm so sorry. I just want it to be the two of us again. Those disgusting shits do not deserve you. Nobody does, except me! Only me! My darling Y/N.. I love you so much... I always have! Won't you accept my love for you?" Chirin kneeled before you, holding onto your hands.

She gazed up at you with so much emotion in her eyes, it didn't look normal. She was crazy, and so were Aren and Kato. Speaking of which, Aren was going feral. He was screaming, growling, clawing at the door. If he killed one of those guards with his bare hands, you wouldn't be surprised. However those guards did have swords, so he would soon be stopped.

You looked down on Chirin.

"I just want things to go back how they were. Way back. Before Aren bullied me. When Kato was just a friend. When you... when I looked up to you as a leader... I hate this fantasy world! Chirin, I used to think you were so cool! Now, I don't... I can't even understand myself.." you broke down, falling to your knees in front of Chirin.

She leaned closer to you, and gently twirled your hair around her fingers.

"It's alright, dear. Don't cry. You do not have to worry about those two nuisances. Forget about them and only look at me. Everything will be right back to normal. Just stay with me forever, and love me as I love you, Y/N." she kissed your tears away, and hugged you as you sobbed in her arms.




"...ugh.. what?" you fluttered your eyes open, blinded by the bright lights.

You sluggishly sat up, realising you were sitting at your desk. Chirin sat beside you, not noticing you were awake.

Looking around, you confirmed that you were definitely back at school. Both panic and relief washed over you.

The sun was setting, and the two of you were the only ones in the room.

"Ah, Darling. You've woken up. Recognise this place? Of course, it's our old Student Council Room!" she laughed. The setting sun shined behind her, matching her radiant smile.

The familiar place made you tear up. All your old memories suddenly flooded back, all of them. However there was something off. You were missing something, or perhaps someone?

You had retained some of your memories from the other world, and while thinking about that world, it clicked.

You remembered Aren and Kato, who were trapped there. But you only remember them being in that other world. Everything else was gone.

They definitely used to be here with you, but you just can't remember. Were they your friends? Just classmates? Who where they?

Panicking, you turned to Chirin.

"Wait, why can't I remember Kato and Aren? Like I know that they exist, I just can't remember my memories of them in this world!" you burst. Did Chirin do something again?

"Oh. Them. Yeah, I trapped them back in the other world, and since they're gone, they no longer exist in this world." she grinned, hugging you. "Now it can truly be the two of us, in our normal lives again. No nuisances or interferences, it's just us. Isn't this what you wanted, Darling?"

You were on the verge of bursting into tears, but you didn't want to seem vulnerable in front of Chirin. So you kept it in.

"Shh, it's alright. Take your time. But just know, in this reality, you are all mine." she stroked your hair while holding you.

You choked back a sob as she placed a hand on your cheek. This was something she'd always do. Hug you, stroke your hair, hold your cheeks. Except this time was different.

She moved your head to look into her eyes, and leaned in to kiss you. It was your first proper kiss.

You were still extremely sad, but the kiss made you feel happy in a way. You hated that you liked it. You wanted to hate Chirin, but she was really all you had.

There was something about her touch that you could never resist. Maybe it was because you had grown accustomed to her comfort and warmth. Maybe you just expected it whenever you were sad.

Maybe you wanted it.

You gave in, kissing her back. It was warm.

Chirin broke the kiss, smiling.
You gave a faint smile back.

You were a goddess in her eyes, and she had finally taken you for herself.




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

ok while i was writing this my phone actually stopped working, like it would not turn on

so after a while i had to switch to an old samsung and now i lost all my notes and plans for future stories LOL


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