6. Tea Parties.

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"Can you believe it? Chirin, the Student Council Leader, is the Princess of this world!"

"Wowie. Do you think that there are other reincarnations other than us, Chirin and Aren?"

Y/N shrugged. She was currently having a tea party with Kato, while Aren was forced to catch some fish from the river. Koru, Kato's dragon, was laying down on the grass behind the two.

"Not too sure. This world is really cool though. I wanna stay, but I also need answers. Don't you?" Y/N sipped her tea.

"Eh, not really. As long as I'm with you, I don't really care!" Kato grinned, biting a cookie.

"But don't you want to figure out why and how we are here?"

"Not really."

"What about our family and friends?"

"My parents are always at work and you're my only friend."

Y/N huffed, and ruffled Kato's fluffy red hair. "Gosh, you're too difficult."

Kato just grinned, and puffed his cheeks out. Y/N always found the boy too adorable, so she could never stay mad.



"I'm back with some fish, nerds. Get off your lazy asses and help me with the work!" Aren called out.

"Sorry, I'd rather not. Why don't you go cook the fish and prepare it for our lovely guest?" smirked Y/N.

Aren grumbled and walked off with the basket of fish.

"Now, where were we? Oh, right! Do you want to meet Chirin again? She's always been super smart, so she could really help us figure out how to get back." Y/N smiled at Kato.

"Oh, um, yeah. Well, I dunno, maybe we could wait for her to come to us?" Kato mumbled a bit. Hearing Chirin's name made him a bit upset.

"Why? Since she's the princess, we'll have access to pretty much every resource."

"Err– Yeah. Sure. But like, don't get too mad if I end up not wanting to work together with that demon." Kato abruptly stood up, knocking over a few cups and plates.

"Huh? What was that for? Do you have something against Chirin?" Y/N always knew that Kato didn't really like Chirin, even in their old life. It was strange, since Kato really didn't have a reason to hate her.

"I have several reasons." For a split second, Kato almost seemed like he became a different person. Usually he was cute, and happy go lucky. But at that moment, he seemed sinister.

"Wait, what?"

"Hmph! I'm not telling you! You've gotta figure it out yourself! I'm leaving!" Kato puffed his cheeks before hopping onto Koru's back and flying away.

'What's his problem? Dammit, I just want answers but nobody wants to give a single hint. Do they all really just plan to live the rest of their lives in this world?!' Y/N angrily thought to herself. Perhaps Chirin would be more open to trying to get back to their own reality.

"Y/N! What happened?! Why are the cups on the floor? Ugh, I worked hard making that food and tea. Anyways, you good?" Aren ran over to the tea table.

"Kato had a sulk and flew off. Clean this mess up, will you? And save the fish for dinner. I'm going to visit Chirin. Hopefully she'll want to cooperate with me and not have a temper tantrum."

"Wait- can I come? Actually, on second thought, I'll stay here."




"My, my, Y/N darling! What brings you here?" Chirin smiled.

The two were in the castle library, which Y/N couldn't help but stare at. There was spiralling pillars of books, floating bridges and ladders scattered everywhere too. All the pillars were standing in a semicircle, surrounding a giant tree in the middle of the room. Lanterns hung from the magnificent branches, creating a beautiful atmosphere. Above it all, was a giant glass dome roof, casting beams of light into the library. It was absolutely exquisite.

"Captivated? I'm glad you like it. Personally, the library is my favourite area in the castle. Gorgeous, isn't it." Chirin stared above at the tree.

"Ah, yeah. It's super pretty! I could stay here all day and not get bored." Y/N pulled out a chair, and smiled at the fluffy cushions and intricate designs. Everything was so extra.

"Um, anyways. The reason I came here is because I wanted to talk to you about, well, our situation. You know, how we ended up here, how we get back, all that stuff. I really want to go back. I can't live here without answers." Y/N gulped. Chirin was making intense eye contact, you could never tell what she was thinking.

"Oh, interesting. I shall help you. I will follow you until the end of the world." Chirin gently held Y/N's hands in her own, and smiled.

"Would you like to search through the library soon? I'm sure we could find something about reincarnation or transportation."

Y/N could only smile and nod. Chirin was always very intimidating, even though she was only ever nice to her. Y/N was into it though.




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sorry for the long wait! i kinda forgot about this book, since nobody else on this account is really active, haha.

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