Kato End.

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"Hey! Can you guys just stop arguing? It's annoying and Y/N doesn't like it!" Kato yelled, appearing behind Aren and slamming him on the broken table.

"What the- get off me you fucking nerd!" Aren growled back furiously.

"Why? Why are you and Chirin so mad? Don't tell me.. do you two like Y/N?" Kato gasped, keeping Aren down as the werewolf struggled and writhed.

"Well duh! Obviously! Y/N's the love of my life, but stupid Chirin wants to be a bitch and is trying to her all to herself, so I need to protect her! Which means I need you to get the hell off of me!" Aren yelled, his face seemed like it was about to explode out of anger.

"Huh? You love Y/N? You want to protect her? How could you out of all people protect her? And how do you know Y/N needs protecting? She's capable, and amazing. We don't need a brainless dog like you here." the red haired boy stared intensely at Aren. His eyes were wide open as he reached for something behind his back.

You and Chirin watched as Kato pulled a knife out of his back pocket and stab the werewolf in the stomach. Repeatedly.

Shocked, you fell to your knees as Chirin rushed over to cover your eyes.

"Darling, it's okay. Just focus on me, alright?" she smiled, blocking the hideous view from you.

"Ah! I don't think so! Don't try tricking my pretty Y/N into your devillish games! You're no good either, you'll make her depressed!" Kato turned, giggling.

"What did you say-" Chirin was cut off by the knife being thrown at her throat. It went almost all the way through, which forced you to stare at the tip of the knife peaking out.

"Chirin might be the princess, but she's not as strong or fast as me! Aren may be powerful and have great instincts, but how could his gut tell him that a knife is gonna plow right through him? So what if I cheated with a knife? I won! Are you proud, Y/N?" he threw Chirin's body away, and squatted down to your level.

You wouldn't dare look beside you, at Chirin's unmoving body. Her blood was sprayed everywhere. Luckily, Kato was blocking Aren's mutilated corpse.

You could hear the doors being pounded by the guards, trying to get in, until Kato's dragon dove into the building and crushed everyone but herseld and Kato.

"Y/N! Wanna go home?" he smiled.




"Y/N~ you're so pretty! I love you so so much!" he played with your hair as you said on the bed.

You were scared.

Way too scared.

You couldn't even talk or move, and all you could really hear was your heart pounding out of fear.

"Y/N, why won't you talk to me? You're gonna make me frown!" he pouted. Yeah no, he was messed up. Couldn't he see how distressed you were?

"K..Kato.." you choked out. The boy brightened up and gave you a big, sweet smile.

He smiled, hugging you. "Y/N! You said my name! Yay!"

"Why did you... kill them?" your voice was wavering and your body was shaking.

"Y/N, why are you talking about them? They're as bad as me, you know. Can't you just think about me? Can't we cuddle and talk until midnight again? It's always about them.." he frowned, looking down. A part of you felt bad, but this was the same person who murdered both Chirin and Aren. You can't feel bad.

His gaze was once again, fixated on you. Though you wouldn't dare meet his stare. You stayed silent.

"Why is it always them? We never got any time together! Why not me?" he whined, gripping onto you.

You stayed silent, not wanted to speak to him. The other reason you stayed silent though was because if you spoke, you definitely would have broken out in tears.

"Y/N-" Kato was interrupted by the shouts of knights.

'Must be the Royal Knights searching for the one who murdered the Princess.' you thought to yourself.

"Y/N! We have to get out of here! Hold on, this won't hurt." you heard Kato whisper to you, before he knocked you out.




"We're home, sweetheart! I hope you like it here. We're in a place where your magic will not work. You'll be staying here with me for the rest of eternity! Enjoy!" Kato giggled, hugging you from behind.

God, you weren't getting out of this one.




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

sorry for the late updates! if you read the last a/n, then you'd know that my phone broke on me! i lost all my notes and planning for future works, which sucks.

anyways, i got a new phone! sadly my notes weren't backed up, but i'll be fine!

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now