9. Strange Behaviour.

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^ unfinished drawing of kato

A few days had passed, and you decided to keep to yourself by going on walks in the forest. Everyone had been acting strange lately, and you just didn't understand. Aren was being way too lovey dovey, Kato was being really clingy, and Chirin... well, she's just been affectionate as usual. But knowing that she used to stalk you made you see her in a completely different light.

"Y/N, darling? Is that you? Ah, I've finally found you!" a voice called out.

'Speak of the devil...'

"C-Chirin? What are you doing here?"

The Princess walked into your view from behind a tree. She smiled, and waved happily. "My, I just wanted to see my dearest! You haven't been visiting me lately, so I thought to visit you instead. Did you miss me? I missed you so much. I hope you haven't been talking to the mutt?"

Her gaze bore into you, making you shift a bit in discomfort. "Uh, no. I haven't really talked to anyone lately." you murmured.

Chirin giggled, and clapped her hands together. "Oh, lovely! Never speak to those disgusting boys again. They are filthy, and not worth you even looking at them. We are above all! You and I are the two perfect beings! Nothing in the world can top us. Nothing in the world can separate us! We were born to be together, it's simply fate! Oh Y/N... Y/N. My Y/N. Hah.."

You stared on in shock. Never in your life had Chirin ever seemed this... unhinged. Right now, all you could see were red flags, and that you had to get out of there.

"Uhm, Chirin. I actually have somewhere to be, so... I'm gonna, like, go.." you smiled awkwardly, before running off to your cottage.

You flung the door open, and made a beeline straight to your room. What just happened? Why is everyone acting so strange?

You couldn't just ignore these things. Aren was now the nicest, sweetest and most protective person ever. However, there was just something off. Whenever you hurt yourself, he acted strange. As if he liked seeing you hurt. Even weirder, he'd seek your praise after everything he did. Everything he had done just contradicted themselves, and you were left confused.

Kato was equally as strange. He was always a clingy friend who loved physical contact, but never to this extend. He'd always smother you with hugs and even brief kisses. He craved your attention and affection, and became a complete different  person when he didn't get what he wanted. His aura, gaze and mood changed terrifyingly. It was like he was obsessed with you, never wanting to leave your side.

Lastly, Chirin. Every single time you saw her, she became more and more insane. Honestly, you had no idea what happened. She was dead set on the idea that you were a goddess- the perfect being- and that everyone else except herself was complete filth.

Everything made you extremely confused, and you hated it. It must be because this new world was doing something to them, right? Otherwise they would never act like that.

You sighed. Maybe if you got everyone together to try and figure out how to get out then they would act differently. It probably wouldn't happen, but it was worth a shot. Plus, perhaps if everyone but their brains together then you'd all get a step closer to escaping this world.

"Okay... so Aren is out shopping, Kato must be at his place, and Chirin is..."

Suddenly, without notice, Chirin burst through the door.

"Darling! I heard you say my name! Do you need me?" she smiled, walking towards you.

"I- uhm, I mean, yeah, but why were you in my house?" you stuttered, still a bit shocked by her sudden entry.

"Oh, I just happened to walk past your cottage when I heard my name, so I came inside to see what you were talking about." the Princess sat next to you on the bed.

'Is that even humanely possible? Coming into my room right after I uttered her name. She must be lying, she was probably standing right outside my door.' you thought to yourself. Her behaviour made you feel an uncomfortable feeling. Like butterflies in your stomach, but with a mix of dread.

"Err- yeah- okay. I want to have a little gathering with you and the others. So we can leave this world, you know? Maybe we could find that magician and tell him to allow us to leave. Do you want to do it?" you asked, not daring to make eye contact.

Chirin stayed silent, staring at your eyes. "Of course, anything for my darling."

The way she spoke at that moment was different- it was unsettling. Was she really that opposed to being around Kato and Aren?

"Well.. then do you want to go get them? Like now?" you muttered awkwardly.

"Mm, I'd rather stay here with you. We can fetch them later, I feel like I haven't had any alone time with you lately." she motioned for you to lay your head on her lap, so you did.

While you laid down, Chirin pet your head and played with your hair. She hummed a sweet tune, that made you forget the chaos in your life. Though it was short-lived, you felt pretty content and relaxed in your room with Chirin. It was like it was just the two of you in the world.

Chirin's affections made you question her behaviour before. Maybe it was just some sort of phase? No, definitely not. No matter how loving and calming she was being right now, she was still pretty crazy. But you chose to forget that for now, deciding to fall asleep and deal with all your problems tomorrow. It's not like Chirin was going to hurt you while you sleep.




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ya 👍

btw we just made a tiktok account! it's @ is "kakachaan", go follow us pls

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