2. A Familiar Face.

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Y/N was woken from her short nap by a harsh shove.

"H–Huh? Oi, who did that? I'm trying to sleep here." she groggily rubbed her eyes, and turned to see who her offender was.

"Get up. We've got work to do."

Y/N scanned the person up and down, and realised that it was none other than her high school bully, Aren. He still looked scary and intimidating, but Y/N didn't seem too terrified. This was because Aren had a pair of fluffy, grey wolf ears on his head. As well as a matching tail.

"Pfft. Aren. You look.."

"Yeah yeah, I know. This is so shitty. Why couldn't I be a prince or something.." he scowled, and crossed his arms.

"Anyways, stop lounging around like you own the damn place. I built it. Well, you helped a little.."

"What? I don't remember anything about this place, I don't even know why I'm here!"

Aren grumbled. "Stop talking, you sound like a whiny little dog. Well, I got here, was confused, found the house, and boom– I got all these memories. It felt so strange. Like my whole body was shaking, and my mind was in a frenzy. I mean– all these thoughts. They're from another person. I think we're reliving the lives of people in this magical world."

Y/N's eyes were wide open. She glanced around the room, desperate to find something that would jog her memory.

After a while, she spied large leather–bound book. It seemed magical, and she felt pulled towards it. Walking over to the table, Y/N tenderly touched the cover. Suddenly, all these feelings and knowledge rushed into her mind.

It was exactly like how Aren described it. Like her mind was in a frenzy as new found knowledge of this life rushed through her brain. Who this person was, what their hobbies were, all their secrets. Y/N suddenly felt like she understood the universe.

This person was definitely highly intelligent and powerful. Looking back to Aren, Y/N chuckled. She was now a powerful sorcerer, living in a mystical forest, while her high school bully was now a weak wolf boy. Even better, Aren now had to serve Y/N, as he was forever indebted to her. Oh, how she would make Aren suffer for what he had done to her during high school.

Y/N turned back to the mysterious book, and carefully flipped open the cover. Each page was old and crisp, and seemed ancient. Y/N read the first page, and surprisingly, was able to understand it.

"Oi, bitchy witchy! What does it say?"

"You have no right to boss me around anymore. In fact, you have a debt to pay. One that you said yourself, will be paid for with your own life."

She smirked. This new world was the best!

Aren scowled, and shoved open the door. He stared at Y/N, waiting for her.

"Well. You gonna come or what? The first thing to do on our To-Do List is visit the little fuckward that lives in that cave. The one who plays with those big bird things."

Y/N walked up to the door, and read the list that hung next to it.

'1. Visit Kato, the Dragon Tamer for some trading.

2. Go into the city and use the gold from Kato to buy some resources

3. Pick berries and herbs.

4. Clean the house, and do the laundry.'

The list went on and on.

"Kato... that's my friend's name! Don't tell me he's been roped into this mess as well.."

"Yeah, okay whatever. Come on, get your ass in motion– I mean– let's get going. That kid's got some good stuff."

Y/N followed Aren out of the cottage, taking a gravelly path leading to the mountains.

'So Kato is now a dragon tamer. Cool. I visit him weekly to trade with him. He gives me fancy dragon shit and money, and I give him some magical stuff in return. Seems simple enough. Hope I don't get scammed..'




"This is terrifying, goddamn."

Y/N stares above at the cave entrance. The formation was very strange, it looked like there were large teeth sinking through the cave mouth. Parts of the stone were burnt, and flaming torches were tied to posts around the entrance.

The sky was very foggy and dark up there, and the silence was eerie. The whole atmosphere of the cave was unsettling.

"Let's.. go in.." Y/N mumbled.

Aren nodded, and began slowly walking inside.

Their footsteps echoed throughout the cave walls, which were dimly lit and dusty. Time felt like it went much slower in the dark dragon lair.

"Oh, hey guys! Long time no see– Y/N? Oh damn! You too?" a cheerful voice popped in out of nowhere, a voice that could only belong to Kato, the dragon tamer.

"Kato! Holy shit!" Y/N rushed over to him, and tackled the boy into a hug.

Kato was much taller than Y/N, resting his chin on her head. "Man, I was so confused when I got here. Then I saw my friend, Koru! He's my main dragon buddy. It's actually so cool!"

Y/N turned her head to spot the dragon, and flinched when she mad eye contact with a huge, scaly white dragon. It's eyes were like glistening pink gemstones, and scales as fair as snow.

"So you're just going to exclude me?" Aren called out. Leaning against the stone wall, he had his signature scowl cemented on his face.

"Why so gloomy all the time? Not to mention rude, annoying and straight up idiotic. If you're not going to bring the same energy Y/N and I do, then I suggest you leave." Kato smiled at the short–tempered male menacingly.

Y/N snorted loudly, breaking the silence. Despite his cheerful appearance, everyone knew that Kato was not one to mess with.

"Ah, but he can't leave just yet. I need him to carry all of our traded goods!" Both Y/N and Kato were snorting at this point, and the way Aren's ears were pointed down weren't helping.

"So anyways, I see all those pretty little bits and bobs you have there! Let us go into my special stash of gold, and we will discuss the trading there!" Kato grinned.




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

so aren is a little bitch, and kato is a happy thing

who will we meet next i wonder?

"until my next delivery, i'll be off"

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now