3. In the Old Life.

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"——Y/N, what do you think? You are the Vice President after all." a flurry of blurred voices woke Y/N.

She looked around, and remembered that she was at a Student Council Meeting.

'Shit. I fell asleep.'

All eyes were on her, as the President asked her a question. A question that Y/N only half heard.

"Y/N? Are you okay dear?" the President called out. Y/N couldn't help but be speechless. The President's voice was so soft, yet cold. And her long flowing hair was just gorgeous.

"Uh– I– Yes. I'm all good!" Y/N spurted out.

A few of the other members snickered at Y/N's behaviour.

"Are you sure? Have you been getting enough sleep? Lately, you've been dozing off at our meetings. The meetings where it's just the Student Council are fine, as we're usually just messing around. But if you fall asleep during a whole meeting including teachers and other Student Leaders, you're screwed." the President hummed.

"Ah. I've just been studying for exams. I'm not naturally intelligent like you, President."

She chuckled. "Well, I'm flattered. Now, shall we continue? I was asking you what your opinion was about the renovation of the small undercover area outside the library."


"You go this way home too?" Y/N asked the President.

"Indeed I do, darling. You just never see me as I usually have extracurricular activities to do after school. Though I today I wanted to walk home with you."

Y/N stared at the President, who was looking straight ahead. Her posture was perfect, whereas Y/N's posture was nowhere near that.

A comfortable silence washed over between the two girls.

Y/N was content with her life. She had a great friend, she had long gotten over her bullies, and she was the Vice President of the Student Council.

Being in the Student Council was at first, confusing. Y/N's school had much to offer with Student Leaders.

There were Sports Leaders, Cultural Leaders, Music Leaders, for some reason Eco Leaders, and of course the Student Council and the Student Council President. For each of those, there were also Vice Leaders.

It was all really confusing. Plus, the Student Council President and Student Council Vice President were the only roles that used 'president' instead of 'leader'. Y/N liked that though, it made her feel special.

Every Thursday there was a Student Council meeting. Those consisted of only the actual Student Council and some old teacher who supervised them to make sure they don't ditch school. But she always left mid way through.

Every Monday there was a whole Student Leader meeting. The entire student leader cohort had to attend, the Sports Leaders, Music Leaders, their Vice Leaders, ect.

Additionally, Head of Departments and the Principals had to attend too. Those meeting were always very grand, especially with the current Student Council President's elegance.

"Y/N. You zoned out again."

Y/N blinked and saw the President herself in front of her. A faint blush formed across Y/N's face as the President squished her cheeks.

"Could you be a dear and come with me to the convenience store to buy a drink? I've been craving some choccy milk." the President smiled excitedly.

"Ah, sure! Anything for you, President!" Y/N grinned back, happy to be with the President.

The two girls hopped inside the store, and grabbed what snacks they wanted.

As they exited, the President cupped Y/N's cheek with her right hand.

"Remember darling, you may address me by my real name, or perhaps a nickname. I do not mind if it's you." the President smiled warmly.

"Of course."




"Y/N!! Wake up silly!" a bubbly voice called out.


"You said we were going to study hard! Now you're just nodding off like that? Ack, you're so hard to work with."

"Ah. Kato. What are we doing again?" Y/N rubbed her eyes and stared at the red haired boy.

"Studying for our History exam, dumbo! Don't act so determined when we begin just to give up mid–way through!" Kato pouted.

"Eheh, sorry. Can you blame me though? History is boring. I don't want to learn about the history of the Seven Goddesses, how they ruled over the planet, and how some of them died or some shit. It's all so weird! I'd rather learn about the Ancient Wars, like the upper grades do."

"Hey! I find it interesting!"

"That's because you find the actresses of the reenactments and the drawings of what they were thought to look like hot! I swear, your thing for elegant adult ladies is so weird."

"Says you, who is into–!"

"Shush. We don't talk about that."

"Alrighty then. Let's just get back to work." Kato lifted his pen and began taking notes from a bulky textbook.

Y/N started to read her own textbook, but stopped to doodle flowers on her notes. Glancing over at Kato, who was bent over his desk, she ruffled his fluffy hair a bit.

"What was that for?" Kato mumbled, not taking his eyes off of the textbook.


"Hmph." he continued on with his work, ignoring her.

Y/N stared out of a window, and saw that it was raining. Quite heavily, actually.

Suddenly, a roar of thunder ripped throughout the sky, surprising both Kato and Y/N. Kato instantly shuffled closer to the girl, clinging onto her shirt.

"Hm?" Y/N looked down on him, as a strike of thunder cracked down again. This time, the lights flickered with it.

"I hate thunder. Just shush, okay?" Kato mumbled, burying his face in her neck.

Y/N chuckled, "Of course you do."




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

this chapter is a little flashback of what y/n's life was like before being transported to this new world! it focuses mainly on another character, who will remain nameless as she will be properly introduced later on.

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