13. The Magician.

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"What? How could you be the Magician?" you gasped. Your eyes widened and your mouth hung open.

"Sorry for not telling you first. But the Princess of this kingdom is indeed the Magician we've been looking for. She had been doing experiments, trying to summon people from other worlds-"

"Wait, wait, wait. So are you saying that all this time, YOU COULD'VE-" Aren began yelling.

"STOP INTERRUPTING ME. You disgusting mutt. Anyways. She finally found a way to enter another world. If she got a herself and handful of friends, they could do some kind of magic thing to swap their souls into the bodies of someone in a different world. So they entered our bodies and we entered theirs." Chirin did not stop smiling. She was amused.

"Seriously? Chirin, why didn't you tell us? Also, I feel like this doesn't make sense." you sat down, taking it all in.

"I haven't finished. The Princess created two new worlds. One of this kingdom with us inside, and one of our home with herself and her friends inside. If we follow the instructions she left for me, then we should be able to return to our original world. We should be sent to the exact time we left. Nobody would sense any change."

"What? But then.. but... how? How does that even work?!" you couldn't handle all of it. "And- and what do you mean instructions left by the Princess?!"

"Magic! The Princess was not the Grand Magician for nothing. She knew what would happen, so she left instructions for me if I wanted to go back."

You could not say a word.

Aren and Kato were also speechless.

"Wait, didn't you hear about the Magician in a fairytale book? It's not adding up!" you burst. You had to know everything.

"Oh, yeah. The Princess now is only half Royal Blood. The Queen married the Grand Magician before me, making him the King. So the King's family has been a line of only the best Magicians. And now the Princess is the first Grand Magician in years to not be living in isolation their entire lives." Chirin finally finished.

After a moment of silence that felt like hours, you unfroze Aren and Chirin.

As soon as they could move again, Aren punched Chirin in her gut.

"What the hell?! So you're telling me you knew everything the entire damn time? And you didn't tell any of us? Come on, how fucking twisted can you be?!" Aren yelled, grabbing her hair.

"I found our time here quite fun. Also, I do not appreciate your dirty hands touching my hair. I promised Y/N that I wouldn't fight you anymore. Are you going against her wishes?" Chirin smirked again. She was having the time of her life.

Hearing your name, Aren let go and moved to the other side of the room.

"Chirin... did the Princess mention anything about side effects of us coming here? Like... a change... in personality." you tugged on Chirin's shirt.

"Nope! We are all exactly the same as before. If you're wondering why we seemed to have changed, it's because we stopped pretending. Right, boys?" she stared into your eyes as you turned to Kato and Aren, pleading for her to be incorrect.

The look in Aren and Kato's faces proved to you that Chirin was right. They had always been like that, they just stopped acting when they found themselves in a world where they had power.

"Well, talk about an info dump! My brain's about to explode! I can't handle all this, I'm too dumb. Y/N, can we leave? The tension is unbearable!" Kato giggled. He was shocked before, but now he just seemed unfazed.

"Yeaaah. Way to brighten the mood. You've always been a damn weirdo. I don't know why Y/N keeps you around." Aren grumbled.

"I can say the same thing to you, Aren. You are worth nothing, and yet Y/N is kind enough to grace you with her presence. Y/N is so much higher than you will ever be. You're like a germ rotting away at rock bottom." Chirin spat back.

"Oh you two are so aggressive! So silly! Y/N's watching you know? Chirin, you keep saying how Y/N's such a goddess and how nobody she be allowed in her presence, right? How do you know you're also unworthy? To me, I'd say your horrible attitude is going to corrupt my sweet, sweet Y/N!" Kato chimed in.

From now, everything was just going to go downhill, right?

You wanted to leave this place. To see your friends, your family, your pets, just your home. Then, everyone just changed. You thought that maybe if you could find a way to get back home, they'd be normal again.

Maybe being in this world caused them to change. But no.

Being in this world only made them reveal their true colours.

You hated this. You didn't want them to keep fighting!

Chirin was being so weird! She seemed obsessed with you. The whole thing with the Princess being the Magician made you question if she was hiding more secrets from you. She confused you.

Aren, where could you even start? Aren was definitely hiding things from you. He never answered any of your questions. You knew he liked seeing you in pain, and you hated it. And yet he acts like nothing ever happened. He confused you.

Kato was a mystery. He used to be so cute and innocent, now it seems uncanny and creepy. He was still sweet and adorable, but he could switch very easily. He didn't show it, but he seemed as crazy as the others. And just like them, he confused you.

Everything in this world confused you.

You had been thinking about it for a while, but you weren't sure if you were right.

Now that you were standing in a room with three insane people staring at you with lovestruck eyes, ready to tear the world apart for you, you knew you were right.

They were definitely all sickly in love with you.



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2 chapters in one day to make up for my slow writing lol

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now