10. Awkward Gathering.

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Now was the moment I knew I messed up. I mean, come on! Gathering Kato, Chirin and Aren all together to try and research stuff? How stupid.

I mentally slapped myself. Everything was so awkward. I shifted in my seat. Currently, I was in a private room in Chirin's fancy library along with Kato, Aren and of course the Princess.

All three of them had not said one word yet. They just sat their, glaring at each other. If looks could kill, all of them would be dead cold right now.

"S-so. How, any leads for how to get out?" I laughed reluctantly. I tried to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work.

"Yes, of course. Remember that fairy tale we found? Perhaps if we find this magician, we could ask if we could be sent back. We discussed this together yesterday alone, right?" Chirin smiled, with venom laced in her voice. She put emphasis on one specific phrase, definitely trying to get a reaction out of the two boys in the room.

Aren's ears perked up. "Y/N, you were with her yesterday? When was this? Were you with her while I was out? Did she do anything? Why were you with her? What were you talking about? How long did she stay-"

"Ah, ah, ah! Quiet, you dog. You're going to suffocate my dear Y/N if you keep talking. Sit back down, you're in my territory now." Chirin crossed her legs, smiling passive aggressively while Aren huffed and slouched in his chair.

"Uh, anyways. I think if the story's true, we could find the magician and leave. Hopefully. We can keep looking until we find a new lead. So, yeah." I chuckled. So far, Chirin and Aren were smiling at each other, but not in a nice way. It was more like a 'With all due respect, please never speak to me ever again or I will rip your head off your neck and throw you into the deepest depths of a mountain' sort of way.

Surprisingly, Kato had not said a word. He was staring at nothing with a blank gaze. This was definitely not going to end well.

"So you wanna split up and look for this guy? We can all go to different parts of the kingdom. Kato can go up north to the cold, harsh mountain ranges. It'd be easy for him to traverse around, cuz' of his dragons." Aren hummed. He rolled a map of the kingdom out on the table.

"Chirin can go to the small towns and villages in the outskirts around the City and maybe even the farming plains in the east if she's up for it." he pointed to some areas. Chirin rested her chin in her hands, thinking about what Aren was suggested.

"Hey, since when did you ever want to step up as a leader and plan things out like this?" I smiled, lightly elbowing him. "I mean, not that it's a bad thing. I think your plan so far is pretty good. Anyways, where are you and I going?"

"I'm obviously heading to the forests and jungles down south in the warmer land. Because I'm like, a werewolf now, I can go around doing stuff there I guess. You can choose where you wanna go. If you want, you could head west but there's not much there. Plus, Chirin will be looking through the villages all around the main land, including the western outskirts. Maybe if you want, you could join one of us?" Aren smiled.

"Oh yes! Wonderful idea! Y/N dear, why don't you join me? It would be the safest option. You could freeze to death in the mountains, or get eaten by a creature in the forests. With me however, we will be protected by the knights. Plus, we can go shopping and do other fun things!" Chirin leaned over to me, clasping her hands together.

"Nope. She should join me. She likes nature, and she loves my cooking. It's like a fun camping trip! Right, Y/N?" Aren shoved Chirin off of me.

"Quiet! Do not touch me with your filthy hands. Y/N obviously will choose to stay with me! She has always adored me, and I will always adore her. You were always disgustingly rude and horrible to her. Scum like you does not deserve a goddess like Y/N." Chirin stood up, patting down her skirt. The wolf and princess were now glaring daggers into each other, holding themselves back. If it were not for Y/N, the two probably would have murdered each other already.

"Uh, guys? I might just go with Kato. I mean, I've got warm clothes and I can cast heat spells. Also I like his dragons and I've never seen snow before, so yeah. You guys can sit down! It's okay!" I sputtered out, trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.

From hearing his name, Kato suddenly jolted from his thoughts. "Wha? Oh, Y/N! You wanna go with me? How fun! Awh, I'm already so excited!" he giggled. "Why don't we go now? Don't worry you guys, Y/N will be safe with me!"

"What a revolting being."
"Such a fucking loser."

Chirin and Aren scowled under their breathe, attempting to make Kato feel uneasy by glaring death stares into his skull. Kato, however, was too happy to even notice them. He stood up and hugged me.

"Y/N darling, are you sure you want to be with... him? Maybe reconsider. The mountains is a harsh environment! We could go to each village and try their signature dishes? It would be fun!" Chirin rushed over to you, throwing Kato away. She grasped your hand, and stared down at you with hopeful eyes.

"Nope! Y/N, don't you wanna go through the forests and jungles? We could-"

"Guys, shut the hell up! Y/N said she wanted to be with me! Right Y/N?" Kato smiled at me.

"Err, let's see. I'll go with..."




-ˋ₊˚.🍓‧₊° 

ok so i'm gonna have 3 different chapters, one where you go with kato, one where you go with aren, and one with chirin

it won't matter who you choose tho so yeah :)

EUNONIA ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐWhere stories live. Discover now