Weekend Visit [short]

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Just a cute little short for you guys. 🥺🤍 Hope you guys enjoy.

Boyyy this raspberry slushee from Taco bell hittin lmao.

Excuse any errors.


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Milo made his way to the lobby of the institution, He told Brianna not to tell Anya that he was coming for the weekend  because he wanted it to be a surprise. However he let everyone else know to be at their house and stall Anya while he was on the road.

"All set?" Brianna asked as she grabbed her car keys from the box in the office.

He nodded his head and followed behind her. He adrenaline a little because he was excited.

"Hey, relax ok? I know you're excited and you're entitled to feel that way but I don't want you to get yourself all worked up ok?"

"Ok." He said taking a deep breath and exhaling. "I'm ready."

Following Brianna out of the lobby they walked to get car, getting into the passenger seat Milo put on his seatbelt as Brianna started the engine.

"Did you eat? I can stop a Five Guys or something for you."

"Nah, I'm cool but I do wanna stop and get Anya some roses maybe?" He said looking over at her and she nodded.

"Of course."

Turning on some music the drive was comfortably silent, Milo didn't talk much because he was just ready to see Anya, he wanted to tell her everything he was experiencing.

Pulling up to the flower shop Milo purchased a roses and sunflower bouquet since those were Anya favorite flowers. He shook his leg as he sat in the passenger seat holding the flowers in his hand.

"You can lay them in the backseat Milo-"

"No, I want to hold them." He said laying them across his lap. The drive was about 45 minutes so he decided to take a nap.

45 minutes later Brianna tapped his shoulder waking him up.

"Home sweet home. I'll be back pick you up Sunday around 11. Cool?"

"Yeah. Thanks again." He said with a smile before grabbing his bag and flowers before making his way to the door.


"So what are you guys doing here again?" Anya questioned as all of their friends sat on the couches and floor relaxing.

"We brought pizza and movies." Draya smiled.

Shrugging her shoulders she smiled. She couldn't pass up pizza, they washed their hands and put on a futuristic  movie called Dredd.

"What if the city really look like that?" Makayla said taking a sip of her cheery Coke.

"No what if we had that slo-mo drug?" Trey asked as they shared a laugh as they watched the woman take the drug.

"You'd probably be on it

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"You'd probably be on it." Amir laughed as he pushed him playfully.

"Well I don't-" She paused when there was a knock on the door.

"Who's here?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Girl this is your place. We're just guests." Mya laughed as Anya stood up to answer door.

They whispered and chuckled amongst themselves as she opened the door.

"MILO!!!" She screamed jumping into his arms, once the girls heard her crying they started fanning their eyes.

"Oh my gosh. Not all us girls crying." Mya said sniffling as she grabbed a napkin.

"Whew ok, ok I'm gonna mess you my make up." Draya whined.

Letting him go he handed her the flowers and kissing her lips softly before greeting everyone with hugs daps. "These flowers are so pretty babe! Thank you." She said pecking his lips a few times.

"You're welcome I knew they were your fav-"

"My nigga home." Amir said hugging him. 

"You gay bro. Move." Milo said jokingly as he pushed him away from him playfully.

Wiping her eyes Anya pouted. "Y'all knew he was coming and didn't tell me?!"

"We had to keep it on the hush shorty." Dre said as they all sat in the spots they already occupied before Milo showed up, grabbing a paper plate after washing his hands he sat beside Anya. He knew she was excited to see him because she literally wouldn't blushing.

"You're home for good Milo?" Makayla asked putting her hair into a bun.

"Nah. Just for the weekend I go back Sunday."

Anya chewed on her bottom lip. "Can we talk about that later guys. Let's just finish the movie and have fun." She smiled as they all agreed.

After the movie and a few more goofy moments the crew headed home, locking the door Anya headed to the bedroom, cutting on the shower they got in together, as Milo rinsed out his hair Anya wrapped her arms around his torso. He smirked to himself because he missed he touch.

"I missed you so much." She said kissing his shoulders.

Wiping a hand down his face he turned around to face her. "I miss you too. Both of you." He said putting his hand on her stomach.

After their shower they got into bed and cuddled up, that's when Milo realized he hadn't switched all day. It didn't bother him too much though he wanted to have his moment with Anya.

"I love you pretty."

"I love you more."


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