Broken Promises {short}

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It was 3 am when I started writing this..Ya'll better love me. I fell asleep though 😭💀, but whew chile I know y'all mad at Seven but I got this. 😉. Excuse any errors. 🤍

My baby Anya in the mm 🤩🥺


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I held my phone up to my ear listening to Milo explain everything Seven had done, I honestly couldn't believe this, would this even be considered cheating? In a way I think so, either way I'm honestly crushed.

"I told her to stop as soon as I fronted I promise you,I...I'll make sure I'm clean before I come home. Whatever you want to do I'll do it but please don't leave, I told him to stop and he wouldn't listen to me, everyone voiced their opinions but he wouldn't listen." He was rambling and getting worked up because I wasn't saying anything.  I didn't know what to say. What the hell was I suppose to say?!

He sighed and I could heat him mumbling something but I couldn't make out what he was saying, I wiped the tear the fell from my eye and rubbed my stomach, I didn't want to leave him but this situation was now complicated. I needed to think, I needed to figure this out but who was I gonna vent to? My girls? No. They don't need to know every little thing that's going on.


"Yes?" I sniffled again.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I need time to think..I'm sorry I'll call you later."

"Understandable...I love you." He mumbled waiting for me to respond.

"I love you too." I said hanging the phone up and tossing it on the couch before putting my head in my hands, I started crying and tried my best to calm down but I couldn't I was full on balling my eyes out. I needed to calm down because if I didn't that would cause stress on the baby and I did not need that.

Grabbing my laptop I went to the search engine and typed a few things in until I popped up on an article.

                         "Can you kill an alter?"

Actually, yes. Many of the alters are only personality fragments, and may be connected to only one traumatic memory. If that traumatic memory is resolved, that fragment may cease to exist, at least as a separate alter.

Putting my finger on my chin I continued reading the information until I went to the couch and grabbed my phone, sitting back at the island with my cup of orange juice and a pb&j I texted Briana to see if she could pull Milo into a session just to see if they can resolve Seven's reason for fronting because I was honestly tired of him as the bullshit is cause, the accident, his bad attitude, THIS. I was tired of it and I wanted my Lolo back.

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