Unstable [short]

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Excuse any errors ❤️
Milo in the mm 🥺
⚠️This short contains drug use. Trigger warning.⚠️

2 weeks later

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2 weeks later.

Allowing his eyes to adjust to the dark room, Milo
sat up in bed. Looking over at the window he noticed the moonlight shining through the blinds.

Getting up from the bed quietly so that he wouldn't wake Anya he made his way to the bathroom, closing the door and cutting the light on he sighed before putting his hands on the sink.

"Relax Lo...Slow deep...breaths..." He coached himself to no avail. It was happening out of the blue this time.

A panic attack.

Deep breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth he tried his hardest to regulate his breathing, he opened his eyes and lifted his head slightly to look at himself in the mirror.

His eyes were dark as he stared at himself. "Why... tonight?" He breathed out gripping the sides of the bathroom sink.

None of them care. Look what's happening to you... No ones here to help you.

Hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand he gritted his teeth. "Shut up. Shut up. They do care."

If Anya cared so much, why isn't she awake? You're suffering all alone...None of them care. Just give up.

"I can't give up. I can't do that to her or our daughter." He mumbled walking over to the toilet, lifting up the top of the toilet he reached in and grabbed the small baggie, smirking a little his heartbeat began to pick up with adrenaline.

It's going to make you feel better. You remember that feeling right?

"I do... But I can't." He said furrowing his eyebrows as the voices fought back and forth. He couldn't control them, he was losing the fight.

Opening the small baggie he lined up the white substance glancing at the door to make sure it was locked he rolled up a bill that was sitting in the medicine cabinet.

Get it over with, you'll feel better, you'll be able to sleep.

Nodding his head he closed one nostril and inhaled with the other until the 2 white lines were gone. Wiping his nose and sniffling he chuckled to himself as his vision blurred a little.

Stumbling as he stood Milo cleaned up before cutting off the bathroom light and making his way over to the bed which took a little longer than usual considering what he just did.

You're slipping back into your old self. The old Milo, the fun Milo. Don't you miss him?

Ignoring the voice he snuggled closer to Anya and kissed her shoulder before falling into a deep slumber.

"Hm?" He mumbled still half asleep at 2 in the afternoon.

"Are you going with me?"

"Where?" He said sitting up in bed as he rubbed his puffy eyes.

"The store. We need groceries and I don't wanna go alone."

He gave her a blank stare before getting up to get dressed. "Yeah..Go wait in the living room baby."

As she turned to walked away he went into the bathroom, doing a quick line he cleaned up and hid the baggie before handling his business and getting dressed. Once he was dressed he grabbed his car keys and headed toward the front door.

"Come on baby." He said as Anya followed behind him.

"Milo what's wrong? You're acting weird." Anya said as they walked around the grocery store. He sniffled and grabbed her hand before kissing it.

"I'm good baby. I promise."

Tell her the truth.

Brushing off the taunting he was receiving from Jaxon and Sai he kissed her hand one last time before grabbing a carton of water from the shelf.

"Are we almost done? I'm ready to leave." He said with a slight attitude toward Anya.

"We just need a few more things. Why are you being cranky? Did you not get enough sleep?" She cooed as he sucked his teeth.

"I just wanna go home." He said twisting his lips to the side.

"Ok babe. I'll try to hurry." She smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes I know Milo. I love you too." She smiled.

"Good because you gotta keep loving me aight? You can't leave me ok?" He said looking into her eyes. She noticed how dark they were and knew something was wrong.

"I know baby. I won't leave you."She said as they finished up their shopping and went home.

As they day went on Milo was becoming more and more unstable. Feeling her phone vibrate she noticed Brianna calling.


"Hey Anya. It's Brianna I was calling to check on Milo, he hasn't been in my office in about a week and I'm pretty sure he's out of his medications."

Anya's heart sank as everything clicked. The bad attitude, the mood swings. Things were going left fast and it scared her because she thought everything was going so well for them.

"Anya. Where's Milo right now?"

"He's in the bathroom, taking a shower I hear the water running."

"Ok I need you to go check on him really fast, maybe see if the door is unlocked.

Doing as Brianna said Anya turned the knob on the bathroom door but it was locked, Turning away from the door she sat on the bed with her back facing the bathroom door. She talked to Brianna a few moments longer telling her how he'd been acting unaware that he was standing right behind her.

"Who's on the phone baby?" He asked staring at her from behind as she took the phone away from her ear.

Not wanting him to fly off the handle she lied.

"It's Makay-"

"Hang up the phone." He said through gritted teeth, when she hung up he snatched the phone away and tossed it onto the dresser.

"Come lay with me baby girl. I just wanna love on you. Can I do that?"

Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth she nodded and covered herself with a blanket, feeling his arm snake around her belly she felt him kiss her shoulder and arm.


"Yes baby?"

Taking a deep breath she let it out shakily. "When's the last time you talking to Brianna?"

"Two weeks ago... Why?" He asked with an attitude.

"Just wondering."

"Oh, I love you Anya.."

"I love you too." She mumbled before saying a silent prayer for herself, Milo, and their baby.


🥺 This is a filler.

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