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Excuse any errors ❤️.

Riverview Mental Rehabilitation Center.

I didn't like it here at all. I wanted to be home with my best friends Anya and little bean. I liked being around them. I woke up this morning to my nurse bringing me our medication, at first I didn't want to comply but that wasn't in my nature so I just took them anyway.

I was currently in my room sitting at my desk by the window watching the cars and people outside where I want to be.

Let's bust out this joint man.

"W-we can't Seven. We'll get in trouble."

You're such a baby.. When are you gonna start acting like an adult?!

"I would if I could..." I mumbled and twisted my lips to the side letting my chin rest in my hand for a second before opening the sketchbook. Turning to a empty page I drew stick figures and a house.. I wasn't the best at drawing but I knew Lo would still appreciate me drawing him a picture.

Hearing a knock on my door I looked over to see my nurse.

"Good morning. Time for you to go to the day room." She smiled as I got up from my seat making sure to push my chair in and slip on my slides before following her.

In the day room is where we are breakfast and had TV time, usually they'd play the sports shows or the news but today they played some random stuff I wasn't interested in, I just wanted to go home.

Sitting down at a table by myself I noticed a really pretty girl coming up to me. She sat next to me and bit into the green apple she had in her hand.

"What's up dude?" She said moving her curls from her face.

I shrugged and tired to avert my gaze elsewhere.

"I'm Harley, nice to meet ya."

"I'm Zane."

"You're cute Zane. Got a girl friend?"

"What? Umm.. I.. Well technically no because she's not my girlfriend. She's-"

"No need to explain. You hungry? I can go get you something."

I was hungry but I couldn't bring myself to eat.

"I'm fine, thanks."

Before she could say anything else her nurse came to get her. She was... odd but maybe we can friends in here.

I sat at the table by myself until my nurse who's name was Joslynn came to get me for therapy with Brianna.

"Good morning!" Brianna said as I smiled.

"Good morning. I'm still a little sleepy."

"That's alright Zane."

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Who wouldn't know by that bubbly personality."

I chuckled a little. "I miss Anya."

"I know you do but you'll be fine. After next week she's allowed to visit."


"Yup, but let's get started ok."

I nodded and played with the ends of my t-shirt.

"Now were gonna jump right into the important stuff. Do you know why Milo tried to harm himself?"

"He's been really depressed. I'm not sure why but that's why I try to front so he can get a break. Something about.... not being a good day or having too many problems? I don't know." I shrugged.

"Problems with college?"

"No, everything. Mental problems. He feels like he's a burden." I said suddenly becoming sad.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore... I wanna go home!"

"I know, but you can't right now."

"Why not?! I didn't do anything that was Milo. Why do we all have to suffer?!" I said as my chest heaved up and down.

"Zane sweetie.. I know this is hard for you but in order to get better you have to stay here."

I sniffled and wiped my tears. I don't know why I was crying. I didn't like crying, I actually hated showing emotions sometimes just like Jax.

"Can I go back to my room please?"

She sighed and nodded. "Sure, I'll come get you later."

Standing up I followed her as she she led my back to the room, scanning her identification card the door beeped and slid open. I walked inside and sat in the bed.

"See you later." She said as I nodded. Once the door closed I laid across the bed. Closing my eyes I felt myself falling asleep.


Holding M'lani in my arms as she cried I sighed, today wasn't a good day. First she pooped up her back so I had to clean that up, then I forgot her diaper bag in the car at the mall and we were already 2 stores in and I had to go all the way back down to the parking garage to get it. I was just frustrated and wanted this day to be over so I was glad to be at home.

I sat down on the couch feeding her so that maybe she'd fall asleep so I can relax. I loved being a mommy but this was hard, even harder now that Milo was gone.

Milo didn't know his aunt Leslie had sent us and M'lani some gifts from her visit to London with her boyfriend Marcus a few weeks ago so those came. I didn't even bother to open the box because I was going to wait to tell him it was here and if he let me open it I would. It was signed to his name anyway.

After putting M'lani to sleep I laid her in her crib and started on my assignments, it took me about an hour to finish up this essay after I turned it in I quietly made me something chicken alfredo.

Hearing my phone ring I noticed it was the phone number to where Milo was residing, I quickly answered holding my phone between my shoulder and my ear.


Hey Anya, it's River.. How are you?

I'm ok.. The question is are you guys ok?

We are fine. Milo wants me to tell you that he loves you and he's trying his hardest to comply but..

"Hurry up River. I can't let you use the phone
for too long.". I heard a woman I assumed was his nurse say.

I'm almost done. Please give me a minute..Anyway.. He loves you and wanted to have you send him a picture of you and little bean.

Ok, I will.

Oh! And Jax said he can't wait to squeeze your ass when-

I busted out laughing because Jax really had no filter, it made me feel good that they could still expressed how they actually felt.

We talked for a few minutes longer before the phone hung up, I twisted my lips to the side as my eyes watered.

"I'm a single mother." I mumbled wiping my tears before eating my alfredo. Looking at the time it was now going on 10 in the evening so I decided to go to bed know my little munchkin would be sleeping through the night.

After showing and moisturizing my body with Coca butter lotion that smelt amazing I got into bed. It felt a empty without Milo and I knew he missed me as much as I miss him.



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