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Excuse any error. 🤍

Should I rewrite the last chapter ? I don't like how it turned out. 😔

Milo in the mm 🥰.


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Tapping my fingers against the steering wheel, I glanced over at a sleeping Anya in the passenger seat. Little bean was sleeping in her car seat in the back, we had gone grocery shopping and had been out longer and we expected. Walmart always seems to get crowded at the worse times of day.

Pulling up to the stop light I glanced down and smirked, ever since I proposed to her she would always touch the ring and play with it twisting it around her finger, it was like she couldn't believe it. I thought it was cute how she'd been acting though.

Running my hand against my forehead I winched a little because I suddenly had a pounding headache, deciding on making one last stop I pulled into the CVS parking lot and cut the engine.

"Baby... wake up." I sad tapping her arm a little.

"I'm tired." She mumbled as chuckled and shook my head.

"I know ma, just stay up while I go into the store, please?" I said poking my bottom lip out as she groaned a little, once she was awake I went inside to grab some Tylenol and made my way to the register.

"Find everything ok today sir?" The young cashier asked with a smile.

"I did, thank you." I said as she gave me my total and I paid before thanking her again and leaving.

"You ok Lolo?"

"Yeah baby, this headaches been bothering me for a while." I shrugged before starting to drive out of the parking lot.

"Aw, maybe take a nap with us when we get home." She smirked before grabbing my hand to hold

"That's not a bad idea." I said turning the corner so that we were now down the street from our place. Once we were inside I changed little beans diaper, fed her, and changed into something comfortable while Anya was in the shower. Holding little bean in my arms I looked down to kiss her forehead before laying her in her crib. "Daddy loves you princess." I smiled before taking off my hoodie and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Babe." I heard her call for me breaking me from my train of thought.

"Yeah?" I said before clearing my throat.

"Come get in with me." I heard her say as I stripped out of my clothes, opening the bathroom door I left he cracked so we could hear little bean if she scraped crying. Sliding the glass door open I stepped it to see her rinsing her hair out. I wrapped my arm around her waist as kissed her shoulder closing my eyes for a few seconds.

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