~Xiao~ Wraped As Mummy Pt.1

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(Y/n) pov

I was SO excited to go on trip to Liyue's museum! They had gotten new decorations and even more ancient things! Like the yakshas mummy!! And i just cant wait to see it!

And the best part of all is that were gonna stay overnight in the museum!! Whoo!! I was so excited that i couldnt even sit down in my seat anymore as the buss was on its way to Liyue.

"(Y/n) calm down!" i heard my friend Xingqui chuckle befoure putting his book down on his lap. I looked at him and simply smiled. "Eh. You know me. I never can stay still" giggling i looked out the window and sighed softly.

"I wonder how it was to live back then"

"Fun. Kill or be killed. Young adventure groups who were afraid to fight lost even to hilichurls. There was even this giant monster. How was it called again" i watched as Xingqui tried to recall the name of it. "Geo something.."

I giggled again befoure patting his head. "You tried" he glared at me softly befoure chuckling. "My family tree may come from Liyue and wealth. It dosent mean im gonna rememeber all thw monsters names when i had to remember all my family great great great grandmas and grandpas till the first one of us ever was known"

"Thank god im just monstand normal human being eh"

"Be happy you can not know your family tree as your back of your hand"

~Time Skip~

"Oh my god. Were finnaly here!" i whispered to Xingqui as we finnaly came to Yakshas room of the whole museum. I couldnt stop looking around as our guide Mr.Zhongli were leading us around and telling the tale of the five foremost Yakshas.

"Then. Rex Lapis summoned the Yakshas to vanquish the demons. They swore an oath: "Restore order trought slaughter. Purge evil trought battle. To this we dedicate our lives"

I stood there full with amazement as i listened to Zhongli talk "Wow.."

"Eons of bloodshed later. Karmic debt weighed upon them, phantom wrath seeping into their broken souls. They went mad with fear. Turned on each other. Or succumbed to the darkness"

I gasped slighty. I had never heard this story in its fullest. Expectly not the fate of the 5.

"Of the five foremost Yakshas. Death came to three, while the fourth vanished without a trace. In the millennia since. One Conqueror of Demons remains the sole surviving Yaksha in the mortal realm. And only on moonlit nights. In the glow from Guyun and in the sound of the Dihua flute. Is his memory preserved"

I looked at Xingqui amazed as he looked at me with same expresion. But befoure i could say anything our teacher clapped they hands "Alraight class. Lets go futhers to see the movie now. After that till tomorow your all free"

~Time Skip~

Third pov

It was night time in museum. The moon was bright and the skies was clear. Everyone was somewhere walking around or sleeping already. But the (h/c) haired girl was still in the Yakshas room reading every single file and watching every single statue that there was.

And lets not start at the mummys sarcophagus.

"I wonder with one of all Yakshas sleeps here? My guess would be some othet Yaksha who wasnt summoned by Rex Lapis to fight" talking to herself (y/n) kept exploring it looking for any clue to find the owner or this sarcophagus.

"Aha! There!" looking at the ancient simbols she finnaly found name in language she knew too well. "Alatus? Who's Alatus?"

"The Conqueror of Demons himself ofcorse"

Shouting in suprise the girl turned fast around to see Zhongli. "Oh. Mr.Zhongli. Hello. Im sorry i was just looking around i swear!" (y/n) tried to quikly explain in case it didnt seem like it.

"I know" Zhongli simply said as he walked over her. "I've heard your big fan on Liyue's Adepti history. Expectly of the Yakshas" he glanced at her with soft smile as the girl was still suprised by Zhongli.

"Y-yeah. I am. More fan on Xiao. Its just. He was the last survived Yaksha of the former one's. Not mentioning the other fellow Yaksha i read about just now" Zhongli nodded his head and the young woman continued feeling more confideny. "Just 2thousand years ago he was still protecting the whole Liyue even after Rex Lapis died. He continued with his promised duty for so long. I was amazed"

Looking at Zhongli she smiled a little bit. "As chlide i used to leave Almond Tofu on my home rooftop in hopes that he comes and eats it. I heard that it was only dished he ever enjoyed"

Zhongli hide the upcoming smile with a quesion. "And did he ever show up?" "Well" (y/n) looked away befoure answering. "No. Not for a while at least. But. Once he did" rising his eyebrow Zhongli crossed his arms ober his chest. "Oh? Im intrested in hearing it if you dont mind sharing the full story"

(Y/n) smiled befoure chuckling. "No ofcorse i dont mind. You were great guide today! And your history knowledge of Yakshas is. Wow. Just wow" both of them laughed softly befoure he replied. "Well i try"

"And it pays off. But to continue. About 4months latter. I made expectly big portion of almond tofu. Cuz i thought all tue other offerings were too small. And for it i needer 2 extra bowls. I left it on rooftop as usual. And added a note. As usual too" both chuckled again befoure stopping and (y/n) continued.

"That night i had nightmares. And no matter how much i wished for it. I just. Couldnt wake up. I was probably tossing in my bed alot. But then all of sudden. I felt something. Like someone had stoped me from tossing around. Holding me down. I remember getting scared that moment because it didnt feel like amy of my parent holds. And then i felt something soft on my lips. I was nine then so i didnt understand what it was. But. I felt light. The dark burden dissapeared. It was like. Feeling after losing alot of blood but all i lost that moment was my nightmare"

(Y/n) looked at Zhongli if he had anything to say. But he just nodded for her to continue. And so she went on. "I dont remember what happened latter that night after that feeling. But as i woke up i was fine. I was feeling good. Like i didnt have any nightmare or like i wasnt sucked dry that night. As i went up to the rooftop i was suprised and shocked to that all 3 bowls of almont tofu was empty. I went to check on my note and it was turned around with 'sweet dreams' written on it"

A/n: OK this going into 2parts. I need to finish 3 other started drafts of Xiao oneshots. And i wanna make one of Alatus too!!

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