Xiao ~Im Sorry Pt2~

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A/n: You know it! Its part 2 some of you wanted to have!! XD so here we go! Part 2 for "Im sorry"

Also! Im gonna have proof reader from now on! ^^ So no more gramma mistakes! Yay! But im still staying the only author of this book and owner of my account. So hope you enjoy!!

Third pov

It has been days.

"I have no idea what you are talking about (y/n).."

"What are you hiding from me!?"

It has been days since (y/n) last saw Xiao. Memories of him came back more and more as the time passed.

"Why are you lying to me!?"

And so did the forgotten feelings.

"Why are you hiding theses things from me!? Who was I!? Who am I realy!?"

Some memories were better to never be remembered once you forget them.



"(Y/n)....there are memories of your life you wished to forget. To never remember if you ever forgot about them. You're gonna reject your choise once you find out about them"


If it haunted us then. Why wouldn't it haunt us now?

"You are an immortal. Who once possesed powers every god wished to have. But you lost them. You lost them in archon war after your heart was poisend. Ofcorse, Xiao saved you. But it was too late. Your powers were gone already"

"Why...why i dont..remember it? Why do i..only remember Xiao?"

"Its not your time to remember them yet"

"Then when will it be?"

"Only time will tell"

Knowing there was no chance of getting anything else out of him. (Y/n) just growled in frustration and left the house.

"Oh hey (y/n)! Are you-"

"Not now"

Ignoring Childe she stormed away from anyone else who tried to talk to her. She needed to find him. And finnaly confess the long forgotten feelings. "Xiao..where are you?" whispering quietly she felt single tear fall down her cheek.

Even as his name was whispered by her soft lips. The yaksha never showed up.

"Whenever you say my name. I will always be by your side in no time. I promise"

"But..promises are meant to be broken are they not?"

"No. Not this one"

"You lied" she said as more tears started to fall down her cheeks. "XIAO WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME! You promised me...and you..you LIED to me XIAO! YOU LIED YOU LIED YOU LIED!!!"

Falling to her knees the girl was crying while desperately shouting his name over and over again. Pleading him to show up.

But he never showed up.

Xiao's pov

"Im sorry"

(Y/n) pov

My throat was in pain. My tears were all used. It was cold. Even thought the sun was shining brightly. I was cold. But my body was warm. While my soul was cold. And my heart was broken.

"Xiao..." i whispered his name one last time. But it was hopeless. He didn't show up. The wind was calm and it never changed. Ever. "I love you Xiao.."

Not even being bothered to wipe my tears away I slowly got up. And then I jumped. Wait. Why did I jump?


My eyes widened as i turned around to see the king of all geovishaps. There was NO WAY that i could get away feeling this weak. And i couldn't fight him as i was left powerless all theses years ago.

There was only one chance. One hope. But would he really come? When i call for him with fear in my voice?


It was my only hope. My only chance. But as the geovishap got closer and closer.

"Call out my name (y/n). When danger is near"

Xiao never showed up.

"I'll protect you no matter what"

"Xiao..im sorry.."

Third pov

Closing her eyes (y/n) got ready for her death. Panting with fear while hearing the geovishap getting closer, she couldnt help but shout his name one more time.

And this time.

He came.

Opening her eyes (y/n) watched with tears as Xiao was fighting the geovishap. Defeating him in few seconds like it was nothing but childs play.

"Xiao.." whispering his name quietly she smiled with fresh tears pouring down her cheeks. Xiao winced before slowly turning around to face her. "(Y/n)" he said before stepping back with wide eyes as (y/n) got up and rushed towards him full speed.

"Xiao!!" slamming into him they both feel to the ground. "Please never leave me again! Please don't ever leave me again!!" once again crying her tears out, (y/n) clinged on him like he would vanish if she would let him go. And he would.


"I REMEMBER EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU! ABOUT US! ABOUT MY FEELINGS TOWARDS YOU!!" hearing this Xiao's breathing stopped. "You...remember..?" looking up to her his heart started to break in more pieces than it was already broke. Seeing her red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He couldn't help but question himself.

'What have I done?'

"I'm sorry" wrapping his arms around her waist Xiao shut his eyes tightly closed as he kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again.

He would never leave her alone ever again. And he will never break another promise to her.

He couldn't bear to lose her once again. This time he will promise on his love for her. So he dosen't have to say "I'm sorry" ever again for breaking a promise. Cuz he will never break anything sweared on their love.

"I love you too"

A/n: im so sorry for long wait..whats can i say? Life.

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