Xiao ~Not Anymore~

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A/n: Im sorry i havent been posting😅 Alot of work and worry is going on in my life. I hope you will like this!

💕 Inspired by one of my favorite Genshin cosplayers i follow on Tik Tok: codenameecho 💕

💕They Content Are So Amazing And So Inspiring To Me🥺💕

💕This is gonna be bit different from my normal x reader oneshots. I was truly Inspired by they Xiao tik tok💕

"The Guardian Yakshas: forrgoten heros of Liyue"

Third pov

How was it like? To be forrgoten? For Xiao it might be the best. He wanted to be forrgoten. Never to be known. Never to be seen as he protects the nation he swore to protect so long ago.

But not everything or everyone can be hidden forever. Even if they wanted to. There always will be some curious soul. Who will find the way. To the hidden.

"What to you want mortal?"

"To thank you for protecting Liyue. Even after Rex Lapis death."

And the one soul. Who was curious enought to go out all this way to find the Villigant Yaksha himself. Was (y/n). Simple mortal. With only one single wish. To find and thank the one last survived yaksha. Thank for everything he had done. To protect the Liyue and its people.

"You mortals are weird. Why on earth you would want to go all this way to find someone you read about in some book"

"But your not complaining about the almond tofu i brought along"

Maybe it was the curiosity. Maybe it was something else. But (y/n) was the only mortal who had caught his attention in forever.

Manny people stop reading books at some point. Stop beliving in fairytales at certain age. And grow up like rest of the people.

"What is your name?"

"....its Xiao"

"Xiao" soft smile and sparkling eyes full with hope and kindness. "Thank you Xiao" was all it tok for the yaksha to swore to himself. That no matter what the life will trow at him. He will protect (y/n) with his life.

What its like to be forrgoten? Is it pleasant or painfull? Or does it depends on the person?

"Xiao! I brought you some almond tofu!" the smile (y/n) was always having when Xiao was around. Was always so welcoming. So heartwarming to him. "Thank you" that he couldnt help. But to fall in love with a mortal.

"Xiao i must confess.."

But not everything will work out. Not everyone are meant to be. Not everyone have their happy ever after.

"I love you"

It wasnt rejection. It was confessions. But to Xiao. It was the worlds end.

"Xiao why are you so against my love towards you?"

"Because mortals and immortals can never work out. The mortal will die. And the immortal will keep living. But how will the immortal live. When he lost his soulmate.."

Not everyone have their happy ending. And not everyone can keep they promises.

"Xiao! Stay safe!"

"Thank you for protecting Liyue"

"Awee thanks Xiao! Its means alot!"

"Xiao..i love you"

"Hey Xiao. Whats its like. To be immortal"

"Why do you want to be forrgoten?"

Sometimes. We regret our last words. Because we never know what they are gonna be.

"NO! (Y/N) ARCHONS PLEASE NO!" Xiao shouted as he rushed towards the death body of the person he loved so dearly. Held so dearly. Promised to protect no matter whats.

And he failed.

"(Y-Y/n)?" he was suppose to be cold. To be hidden from eyes of a mortal. To protect Liyue silently. To live his life alone. But why holding someone so fragile. Someone so cold close to his chest. He came to hate it.

The coldness. The feeling of being empty. Being forrgoten?

"Please...come back.."

But who was he to wish for something so selfish?

You may think that years passing by. You would forrget your past. The people you met. The people you lost. But you can never forrget someone. Who you loved so dearly.

"Your one of thoses heros! Arent you?"

Xiao turned around to see a small boy. Eyes full of hope and wonder. It hurt Xiao. So much. Because it reminded him of you. "Not Anymore" covering his face with his yaksha mask. Xiao let himself once more. Live in the memories you two shared. And maybe just maybe.

He would return your love this time.

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