Xiao ~Im Sorry~

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Third pov

"Zhongli!! I saw him!! I saw him again!!" (y/n) shouted as she runned towards the god. But did she had any clue about that? No.

Not anymore since she lost her memories of being immortal.

"You saw him again? Or just his back" Zhongli chuckled as the girl blushed befoure looking for exuse to make. So she wouldnt want to been seen as fool. "W-well i saw him again in my dream! Thought people who i have asked about him. Dosent know anything. Never have seen or heard about him at all!"

"Ah and why would people know about a man of who you dream of" Zhongli replied with small chuckle at the end. Ah how much this pained Xiao. To know his love of his life didnt remember him. And all because of Childe being infamous puppet to La Signora's plan.

Ever since the Osial incident. In with (y/n) was hit by one of Osial attacks. She lost her memory of immortality and Xiao. Everything else was blury. And Zhongli was the only clear thing she remember along side her bestfriend Ganyu.

"Well. You dream of peope faces you have seen befoure. And as i have lost my memory. I hoped you would know something as your practicaly my family with Ganyu" Zhongli only smiled befoure looking to his left. There behind that door stood Xiao. Fighting back his tears. And the need to barg in to see her.

"What is it Zhongli?" (y/n) asked as she turned to look at the side he was looking. Only to see a door and someone leaning against it. "Someones listening to our conversation?" quikly walking over the doors she opened it to see nobody and nothing. Closing the door the siluet wasnt there anymore.

Xiao had vanished as soon as she put the hand on the doorknob. He couldnt let her see him. Not when the sudden shock of seeing the man of who she dreamed so often be real and standing there. Listening to they conversation as some creep. He sure was not one!

"I swear somebody was here. And by the look of it there is no way that they could have gotten away at the very last moment" (y/n) said to Zhongli as she turned away from the door and walked over him. Zhongli only nodded his head in agreement. Poor Xiao.

Childe's pov

Hearing knock on the doors i smirked as i got ready for the traveler and the companions to come. 1 on 1? Nice traveler. "This op-oh shit" as soon as Childe saw who he was agaisnt up he almost pissed his pants.

"Your so dead Childe!"

Screaming he started to run around. "XIAO PLEASE SPARE ME!" lets just say. Childes domain was turned into Xiao's for the time being.

(Y/n) pov

After leaving Zhongli i went to meet up with Ganyu only to find out that she was out. Hopefully for a break cuz she deserves it! Seeing the traveler i smiled befoure running over them. "Hey Aether!! How have you been on your journey? I know we werent known for too long supposly acording to Zhongli and my poor memory loss but still. I wanna be friends with you. If you dont mind.."

Getting small smile in return from him i smiled even more. "Im on way to beat Childe's ass back in the past till next week" i snaped my fingers as i remember Zhongli telling me about him. "Zhonglis personal wallet! Right?" i asked being unsure at the end. "Yes him. Good job" "thank you!!"

"He shouldnt have refused to give me more mora" Zhongli said as he watched them to go. Aether on his own will and Zhonglis request went to see the fatui wallet. What did he mean by mora daily limit? He needed his osmathus wine!!

Third pov

While the two walked to Liyue's Golden house Xiao was chasing and cursing the 11th fatui harbinger like a mad man. With he sure was. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT HAD YOU DONE TO HER!!!" "NOT MY FAULT SHE WAS IN OSIALS WAY!!" Xiao growled befoure trowing his spear at him.

The only reason why you got hit in the first place was because you protected Xiao with you body befoure he jumped to save Aether. Not aware of your sacrafice for him at first.

When he found out you were lying on ground while Ganyu was holding you close to her trying not to panic as she was taking care of you. Keqing said that she tok the hit he was suppose to take. They couldnt bring her to get help right away as they had litellary ancient god to defeat first.

When they get her to help. She was already in coma for whole week. When she awoke. Xiao didnt want to face her right away. And soon enought he got told from Zhongli about her amnesia.



"Childe were here!!!"

"He-what the

As Aether and (y/n) got to Childe's domain they didnt expect this view to greet them. A cat and mouse game. Well. I guess its fatui and yaksha game?

"What is going on!?" Paimon called out all of sudden showing up out of blue. "GUYS PLEASE SAVE ME FROM XIAO!!!" Childe screamed as he was barely avoiding theses lightning fast movements from the powerfull yaksha.

(Y/n) stood there watching as Aether went to help Childe with Paimon flying around avoiding the spear at all costs. "Your...your that guy from my dreams!" as soom as the girl shouted this Xiao froze in his spot while slowy turning his face to face her.

"(Y/n)..." he whispered softly befoure the memories and regret washed all over him. He wasnt worthy of her love. And thats why her memories were taken away of him. "Im sorry.." vanishing from the domain with the wind the girl shouted after him "XIAO!!"

As he stood by Rex Lapis statue in tears. Her screams was just faint whisper in the wind. Breaking down and falling to his knees Xiao kept repeating "Im sorry. Im so sorry" all over and over again. Promising himself to stay away from her no matter whats.

But promises are meant to be broken. And true love never dissapears. With just one call of his name. He will find himself in her arms once again.

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