Xiao ~In Next Life. I Will Confess~

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A/n: Ok this sucks😅 but i need something to post.

This has been stuck in my head.

When a Vision bearer dies. The light in their Vision will fade away.

Third pov

"(Y/n) please be carefull" Wangshu inn owner Ver Goldet said worriedly as she aproached the young woman. (Y/n) just nodded her head befoure looking at the stairs who lead up to wanshu inn balcony.

Xiao's balcony.

"I said no" Xiao said cold as ever. He was looking over the horizant avoiding the girls angry and annoyed look. "Why!? Why not!? Do you think im weak?! Because i am not! Im not weak! And you know it! Im stronger than i look and with my vision i-" "STOP LYING!!!"

(Y/n) stoped befoure her eyes widened in fear. Xiao had never yelled at her. And the murderous look he gave her. With made his enemies piss themself. Was scaring even her to chills. "Your weak. Pathetic. Your NOTHING WITHOUT YOUR VISION!!" He shouted befoure walking towards her and ripping it away from her.

"Your nothing without your vision! Your just weak human who dosent know when to stop or shut up!" Xiao turned his back on her once more. "You will only get your vision back once you learn your place!" and with that he dissapeared along her vision.

(Y/n) stared at the ground. She touched the place were her vision was befoure it was ripped away from her. Slowy tears started to feel down her checks. Yes. She was weak. Weak without her vision. She related on it just too much.

And it was worrying Xiao. She was careless. Too much. Too god damn careless that she almost died. It tok blow on Xiao. But he stayed strong. Strong untill he broke not too long ago. She wanted to go and face the samurai who almost killed her.

(Y/n) looked back away from it. She havent seen him since the last night. As much as she wanted to run and apologize. To tell him that she is going and coming back safe and sound. She couldnt. Because he wasnt waiting for her. Like he always was. "Im going. See you later"

Time Skip

As (y/n) tracked down the samurai she hold her weapon close to herself. She wanted to get back whats was hers. She wanted back the amulet Xiao gave her. And she wanted back his trust. She wanted Xiao to see her as strong. She wanted Xiao see her more as just a mortal. She wanted Xiao to...

Love her.

The exact same way she loved him.

Xiao's pov

I walked along the road near Monstand. I still had her visiom with me. Glowing so beautifully. Why. Just. Why did she want to against that samurai? She almost died!

And for whats? Something stupid she could probly replace anyways. She was nothing but reckless human to him. Wanting to go up against enemy who was out of her league? Out of her mind.

Sighing Xiao looked away from the vision to look infront of him.

"Hey Xiao! Why do you call me mortal?" "Because you are one"

"Xiiiaaaaooooo i got almond tofu!" "....where were we going?"

"Your stupid" "but you love me!" "no"

"(Y/n)?" "mmngh" "...sleep well. I'll make sure you have sweet dreams"

"Hey Xiao! Happy birthday!!" "Thank you (y/n). Wanna spend time with me?"

"Xi-" "Already here" "Wow. Do you wanna g-" "Go and watch the sunset from top of wangshu inn? Ofcorse. Lets go"

"Be carefull" "I am! You be too lover boy~" "....for you i will.." "hmm? What did you say?" "watch your step idiot"

He could denie it. He could run. But he could never hide from it. Xiao loved you. And he knew it. But he could never express it. Never voice it. He was immortal while you were mortal. Reckless one at that point too.

(Y/n) pov

It was just me and that samurai. And his cryo minion. This was too hard without my vision. I barely manage to escape the claws of his minion. While the real deal never lets me out of his sight.

All the times i feel. I knew Xiao would catch me. All the times i runned into danger. I knew Xiao would save me. But no matter what i did. He never accepted my feelings. He never showed any intress in return. And he became more colder.

I could run. But i couldnt escape. Xiao was right. I am weak. I am patethic. I am reckless. But one thing that he didnt know. Is that i am crazy in love with him.

Crazy for him.

While he became colder. I became more reckless. I wanted Xiao to show love. To break his cold walls and confess. But when he broke last night. He tok away my vision. And broke my heart. But i wasnt gonna give up. I will get back that amulet. And i will confess to him. And i will explain to him.

Why i became reckless and nothing without my vision.

Xiao's pov

"Maybe someday. I will be able to tell you how much i love you. How much i miss you everytime your not here. How much you mean to me"

I looked down at her vision in my palm as i continued "How much i-" and when i saw her vison my breathing stoped. My eyes became wide and wet. Words that Zhongli once told me. Repeated in my head as i dashed toward the place i knew i will find her.

"When a Vision bearer dies. The light in they vision will fade away"

I couldnt stop running. My eyes stung. The tears flew like waterfall. I wasnt gonna lose her. I wasnt gonna lose her him. To anyone. I had to ger her back to me. I had to. She needs to be alive.

I checked the vision. It was very faint. I shock my head while screaming.

"No no no no No No NO!"

All over and over again. I didnt stop. Not even when i was there.


It was like time stoped when i got to her. The samurai was nowhere to be seen. Only her limp and bloody body on the ground. I didnt need to look at the vision to know.

She was dead.

She was forever gone.

And i was too late to save her. Too late to do anything. I will track down the samurai and take my revenge. But first. I will say goodbye to my first and last love.

"(Y/n)..." as i limped over to her i feel to my knees. The metalic blood scent never hit so strong and painfull for first time in my life. That i looked away just to puke my guts out. I couldnt belive it. "(Y/n).." i whispered again befoure getting up on autopilot.

I let the vision fall by her side befoure turning my back on her once more. "I will get my revenge" squeezing my eyes shut to keep the tears inside. I moved befoure stoping as i steped on something. As i opened my eyes. I could only break down once more. This time from hearbreak.


"Why do you want to find him anyways?" "He tok something from me. That love of my life gave me on my birthday"

A/n: i havent done angst or lemon in loooooong time so i kinda suck at them lately😅 Hope you enjoyed it!

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