~Modern Xiao~ Im Home

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A/n: I just LOVE this video😍 Also Albedo is your brother and Scaramouche is you bestie for life😄 And Xiao is your boyfriend since you were 10😉

(Y/n) pov

I was home all alone. Painting the eggs beautifully while watching livestream from 2days ago. I smiled saddly. "I wish you all were here.." i whispered to myself while looking back at the last finished painted egg i had in my arms.

When Xiao told me that he and Albedo along Scaramouche were going on tour i was excited for them. They dancing were something. And no wonder that they became world known and popular so fast. And im so truly happy for them all. They worked so hard for it. My brother Albedo. My bestfriend Scaramouche. And my forever boyfriend Xiao.

After saying our goodbyes. I watched them enter they private plane. And i just wished that i had more time left to spend with them. Cuz now its been 2 years and 3months since i last saw them in person. They had grown more popular each day. And requests for them was big. Bigger than i even had imagined.

While the time slowly passed by. I blushed slighty thinking of the day me and Xiao turned into a couple. I guess i gotta thanks Scaramouche for that one eh.

Flashback from when you were 10years old

"No! (Y/n) can have only one bestfriend for life and its me!!" Scaramouche shouted while pointing at Xiao who was holding hands with me. Albedo tried to explain that its ok for me to have more bestfriends. Me and Albedo were siblings but also bestfriends at the same time. "But its different! Your siblings! Relater!" i watched Scaramouche whine again.

"Does that mean i can be friends with (n/n)?" Xiao asked in bit of a cold tone. "Its not that!! Heck your never leaving us! But" Xiao rised his eyebrow at this "but?" Scaramouche looked at Albedo and then at Xiao while pointing at him. "You like (n/n)!! So how about you two dating?" i blushed slighty and looked down.

"I like (y/n) and if it means that we can still be besties too then yeah!" Xiao happily answered. And for some reasons it made me happy "I like Xiao too so yeah! I will date you!!" i said befoure kissing his check. Because i saw my mom do that alot to my dad.

If only i would know what did all of that mean. Being couple.

Five years later/your 15 now

I was sitting in my room doing my homework when all of sudden my room doors opened. I turned around and saw Xiao with roses in his hands. "Hey Xiao! Who's roses for?" "they are for you" "oh!" taking the roses i put them in vase befoure adding the water.

"Remember how 5 years ago Scaramouche told us that i can also be your bestfriend if i date you?" i blushed deep shades on red. I was child back then. And didnt know things and meanings with i do know now. "Yeah..but hey! Your still my bestie and dont tell me that were all are not bestfriends! I've seen you guys have boy moments!!" i pointed out.

"Haha..yeah. About the dating part...(y/n) i liked you back then and...i have grown to love you today." just hearing it made my heart to explode. "Xiao. I-" "Albedo had told me already" i shuted my mouth befoure mentaly killing him. "And that why i wanna ask. Do you wanna continue our relationship with we got into since we were 10?"

Ofcorse i wanted it. And to answer his question i kissed Xiao. For the first time i kissed him on the lips.

Back at missing Xiao

Memories. I smiled to myself. Best memory ever. "Theses eggs wont place themself in place!" i told myself while chuckling and cleaning up my working place befoure placing the eggs in place. Now. For the shower part. One hot and relaxing shower would be just dream come true right now.

Wait no. Seeing Xiao, Albedo and Scaramouche after 2 years would be great. It was easter already. (Happy Late Easter!) and they still couldnt get home. Not to mention. I couldnt even facetimes them for the whole week. No calls. No texts nothing. I wanted to cry. But i knew how popularity takes all of your time. If your dancer. You always gotta train. Learn new moves. And fans want you even for they birthday parties.

I sighed while taking a shower. Life without thoses 3 was borning. A real suffering hell. Get up every morning. Attend oline class if you had any that day. Do homework. And rest of the day is free for suffering.

Getting out of the shower i dried off and got dressed befoure going back to me and the boys shared living room. Yeah. We even were house mates. Well. Mansion mates if i had to be honest. "Huh? I dont remember turning the lights off" i mumbled to myself befoure walking over the lights and turning them on. And as soon as i did i yelled in suprised from the loud shouting.


I turned around to look at my bestfriends. My bestie. My brother. And my boyfriend Xiao. I couldnt belive my eyes. I started to cry befoure running into they arms. How i missed them. How fucking much i missed thoses idiots.

After hours and hours of spening time together

It was 3am. Albedo and Scaramouche had went to bed while me and Xiao were still awake stargazing. "I said it once and i'll say it again. I missed you" I watched Xiao just chuckle befoure replaying "you said it more than counting all peapole i've preformed for along theses two" might me true. But i missed them..all of them..

"(Y/n). While i was gone. I realized something. I realized thay i cant live without you. Every day i went on. Was new adventure. But it was never full without you. Theses 2years had made me understand that life without you. Is no life at all." i smiled while tears slowly feel from my checks.


"So i want to ask you something"

"Will you do the honor"

"And be this lover boys wife?"

I looked as Albedo and Scaramouche walked up behind him. I thought they went to bed. But i guess not. But now it didnt matter. Because my answer was only one. Clear and forver writen im my heart.


A/n: What is break anymore? Have you played "We Will Be Reunited" Part on Genshin story? I sure did😍

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